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Related to ansa: Ansa cervicalis, ABSA


 [an´sah] (pl. an´sae) (L.)
a looplike structure.
ansa cervica´lis a nerve loop in the neck attached in front and above to the hypoglossal nerve and behind to the upper cervical spinal nerves. Its hypoglossal attachment is misleading since this part of the loop ultimately rejoins the upper spinal nerves. Called also ansa hypoglossi.
ansa of Henle Henle's loop.
ansa hypoglos´si ansa cervicalis.
ansa lenticula´ris a small nerve fiber tract arising in the globus pallidus and joining the anterior part of the ventral thalamic nucleus.
ansa nephro´ni Henle's loop.
an´sae nervo´rum spina´lium loops of spinal nerves joining the anterior spinal nerves.
ansa peduncula´ris peduncular loop: a complex grouping of nerve fibers connecting the amygdaloid nucleus, piriform area, and anterior hypothalamus, and various thalamic nuclei.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


, gen. and pl.


(an'să, -sē), [TA]
Any anatomic structure in the form of a loop or arc.
See also: loop.
[L. loop, handle]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


, pl. ansae (an'să, -sē) [TA]
Any anatomic structure in the form of a loop or an arc.
See also: loop
[L. loop, handle]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


An anatomical structure, especially neurological, in the form of a loop or arc. From the Latin ansa , the handle of a jug.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
This will enhance our international product and benefit ANSA's 5,400 customers in Italy and abroad."
Khatir, ANSA's deputy director, expresses helplessness.
Besides these branches, caudal vertebral cardiac nerves are separated from this ganglion as well as cranial and caudal branches which form subclavian ansa and vertebral nerve (Getty, 1975; Dursun, 2000; Pather et al., 2006; Ozgel et al., 2009; Kawashima and Thorington 2011).
ANSA will provide Italy and Europe with multimedia coverage of the conference in Italian, English and Arabic.
A product description said: "Ansa is the safest place to let go, and be yourself with friends.
Natali Bryla, Ansa founder and CEO said that "the difference with other texting apps is that everything you say is permanent", unlike this app, which has been developed for those who are paranoid about their privacy.
Italian security sources told ANSA the decision to evacuate the building in Milan was taken by the US embassy in Rome out of caution over an unspecified terrorist threat from al-Qaida that has triggered the closure of some 19 US diplomatic posts across the Middle East and Africa.
On June 21, 2013, ANSA and the European Students' Union (ESU) addressed a letter of solidarity to the organizations
Rome: Four Italian journalists have been abducted in northern Syria, the Italian foreign ministry said, the ANSA news agency reported late Friday.
Summary: Italy on Wednesday seized a hotel complex and land belonging to the family of slain Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi in the latest such confiscation, the ANSA news agency reported.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between ANSA McAl Trading and the Guyanese government could see the development of a sugarcane-based ethanol plant that would use 2 million metric tons of cane annually to produce 40 million gallons of ethanol, reports (March 1, 2012).