ansa cervicalis

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 [an´sah] (pl. an´sae) (L.)
a looplike structure.
ansa cervica´lis a nerve loop in the neck attached in front and above to the hypoglossal nerve and behind to the upper cervical spinal nerves. Its hypoglossal attachment is misleading since this part of the loop ultimately rejoins the upper spinal nerves. Called also ansa hypoglossi.
ansa of Henle Henle's loop.
ansa hypoglos´si ansa cervicalis.
ansa lenticula´ris a small nerve fiber tract arising in the globus pallidus and joining the anterior part of the ventral thalamic nucleus.
ansa nephro´ni Henle's loop.
an´sae nervo´rum spina´lium loops of spinal nerves joining the anterior spinal nerves.
ansa peduncula´ris peduncular loop: a complex grouping of nerve fibers connecting the amygdaloid nucleus, piriform area, and anterior hypothalamus, and various thalamic nuclei.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

an·sa cer·vi·ca·'lis

a loop in the cervical plexus consisting of fibers from the first three cervical nerves. Fibers from a loop between the C1 and C2 spinal nerves accompany the hypoglossal nerve for a short distance, leaving it as the superior root of the ansa cervicalis. Fibers from a loop between the C2 and C3 spinal nerves form the inferior root of the ansa cervicalis. Most commonly the roots merge, forming the ansa cervicalis, which gives rise to branches innervating infrahyoid muscles.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

an·sa cer·vi·ca·lis

(an'să sĕr-vi-kā'lis) [TA]
A loop in the cervical plexus consisting of fibers from the first three cervical nerves. Fibers from a loop between the C1 and C2 spinal nerves accompany the hypoglossal nerve for a short distance, leaving it as the superior root of the ansa cervicalis. Fibers from a loop between the C2 and C3 spinal nerves form the inferior root of the ansa cervicalis. Most commonly, the roots merge, forming the ansa cervicalis, which gives rise to branches innervating infrahyoid muscles.
Synonym(s): cervical loop.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The upper part of the superior root of the ansa cervicalis was located at the junction of the "Y" (indicated by arrow) and a lower part was located medial to the internal jugular vein (Fig.
'Descendens hypoglossi'--the superior root of the 'ansa cervicalis'--containing fibres from the ventral ramus of first cervical nerve accompanied the tendon in the mid region (shown in the photograph) below the level of hyoid bone.
They propose that both muscles are derived from the intermediate region between the subclavius muscle and the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle, and can be innervated by the nerve to the subclavius muscle or by the branch to the omohyoid muscle arising from the ansa cervicalis. It is suggested that these anomalies are derived from a common matrix, and are similar variations rather than different types of anomalies.
Acoustic and perceptual evaluation of laryngeal reinnervation by ansa cervicalis transfer.
It can be unilateral or bilateral more frequently arising from the left lobe it can be Glandular, Fibrous, Fibro-muscular with one or two or three slips, it is thought to represent the detached part of infrahyoid muscles, may be innervated by a twig from ansa cervicalis.