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The two-character ISO 3166 country code for NETHERLANDS ANTILLES.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Netherlands Antilles prior to its separation into Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Curacao, and Sint Maarten in 2011. This was the code used in international transactions to and from bank accounts in Netherlands Antilles.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Netherlands Antilles. This was used as an international standard for shipping to Netherlands Antilles.

In both cases, the code is obsolete.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
However, we believe that this failure to reject is due to the presence of a break in the ANS price series in 1996.
De meme, les 65 ans et plus comptent pour 28,5 % (hommes) et 41,1% (femmes) des pertes de vie chez les pietons au Quebec (36,6 % et 46,0 % respectivement en Ontario).
Now, two years after its founding, ANS is going through a transition period The news service started in September 1995 with foundation funding, and offered its weekly package of material free to clients.
Diversion of ANS to offshore markets will affect operations of several pipelines which ship ANS, while opening new opportunities to supply markets now consuming ANS crude.
La princesse heritiere Catharina-Amalia, 9 ans (nee le 7 decembre 2003), premiere fille du roi Willem-Alexander et de la reine Maxima, est suivie dans l'ordre de succession par ses soeurs Alexia, 8 ans (nee le 26 juin 2005), et Ariane, 6 ans (nee le 10 avril 2007).
A: Brigadoon B: My Fair Lady C: Gigi D: Camelot ANS: B.
D'autres joueuses encore jeunes, seront egalement la telles l'Anglaise Holly Clyburn (24 ans mais seulement 1 victoire sur le LET) et la Danoise Nanna Madsen (20 ans) qui est a sa premiere participation a la Coupe lalla Meryem et qui venait de gagner brillamment sa carte du Ladies European Tour en remportant le tournoi Lalla Aicha Tour School, l'annee derniere a Marrakech.
ANS has shown impressive growth in cloud services in recent years having worked with some of the UK's leading enterprise and public-sector organisations.
He will maintain oversight of financial controls to preserve ANS assets and to report accurate financial results to financial institutions, shareholders and the Board.
A committee of the ANS Board has been established for the purposes of considering the offers, and making recommendations to ANS Shareholders in relation to the offers.