Armagnacs and Burgundians

Armagnacs and Burgundians

Armagnacs and Burgundians, opposing factions that fought to control France in the early 15th cent. The rivalry for power between Louis d'Orléans, brother of the recurrently insane King Charles VI, and his cousin John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy, led to Louis's murder in 1407. In the conflicts that followed, the partisans of Charles d'Orléans, son of Louis, were led by Charles's father-in-law, Bernard VII, count of Armagnac, after whom they were named. The followers of the duke of Burgundy, or Burgundians, were allied with members of the lower classes, notably the Cabochiens, who were particularly strong in Paris. Open civil war between the two groups broke out in 1411. John the Fearless at first held control of the government, but in 1413 the Cabochiens were ousted by another Parisian faction and John was forced to flee the city. The Armagnacs came into power and conducted the defense of France against King Henry V of England, who invaded the kingdom in 1415. John gave tacit approval to the invasion. The conflict between Armagnacs and Burgundians thus became part of the Hundred Years War. John took advantage of French defeats to return to Paris and seize the king (1418); in the ensuing massacre of the Armagnacs, Bernard VII and numerous followers were killed. Subsequently John attempted to negotiate with Charles VI's son, the young dauphin (later King Charles VII). During the negotiations John was assassinated (1419). His son and successor, Philip the Good of Burgundy, immediately concluded a treaty with the English (see Troyes, Treaty of), by which he recognized the succession to the French throne of Henry V. This alliance remained in force until 1435 when Philip signed the Treaty of Arras with Charles VII. Although the terms Armagnacs and Burgundians ceased to have their original meanings, the struggle between the French crown and Burgundy continued until the death (1477) of Charles the Bold of Burgundy.


See study by C. A. Armstrong (1983).

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Armagnacs and Burgundians


two parties of great feudal lords in France in the first half of the 15th century who competed in a struggle for power during the reign of the mad King Charles VI (1380–1422). The Armagnacs were allies of the house of Orléans (their real leader was Bernard VII, count of Armagnac; hence the name). The Burgundians were the dukes of Burgundy (John the Fearless; Philip III the Good) and their allies. After the murder of Duke Louis of Orléans by John the Fearless in 1407, the Burgundians took control of the government but the Armagnacs broke into Paris with armed detachments in 1413, seized power, and held it until 1419. John the Fearless tried to use the Cabochien movement in the struggle with the Armagnacs but betrayed it at a decisive moment. This bloody feudal civil strife played into the hands of the English, who resumed military activity. After the Battle of Agjncourt (1415) and the Treaty of Troyes (1420), the English concluded an alliance with the Burgundians. This enabled the Armagnacs to pose as defenders of national interests. The Treaty of Arras (1435) put an end to the struggle between the Armagnacs and the Burgundians.


Avout, J. d’. La querelle des Armagnacs et des Bourguignons. Paris, 1943.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.