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Condition of having an insufficient supply of oxygen in the bloodstream.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Polycythemia is a panmyelopathy of unknown origin; anoxemic polycythemia is symptomatic of or secondary to various conditions, in which anoxemia is present.
Parameter Polycythemia vera Anoxemic or secondary polycythemia Fundamental Hyperplastic Anoxemia situation panmyelopathy Etiology Unknown Anoxemia (altitude, cardiac, pulmonary) Bone marrow Excessive Excessive erythropoiesis erythroleuko- thrombocytopoiesis Clinical Plethoric Cyanosis, chronic appearance, pulmonary disease, splenomegaly congenital cardiac disease Blood Pancytosis, No pancytosis erythrocytosis, leukocytosis Blood volume High High Red cell High High volume Plasma Normal or Low volume increased Arterial oxygen Normal Diminished saturation The most important end result of the extreme degree of panmyelopathy in PV is the development of an enormous mass of red blood cells in the circulation.