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Processes by which loose, soft, or liquid earth become coherent and firm.
Adjustment of a saturated soil in response to increased load; involves squeezing of water from the pores and a decrease in void ratio.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. The compaction of freshly placed concrete or mortar, usually by vibration, centrifugation, or tamping, to mold it within forms and around embedded parts and reinforcement and to eliminate voids other than entrained air. Also see compaction.
2. The process whereby soil particles are packed more closely by the application of continued pressure.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Despite the clear directions of the Chief Minister, the village was not given under control of the Revenue Department from the Consolidation Department.
Law amendments were adopted for effective implementation of the consolidation. The current implementation of the law on land consolidation showed certain technical problems.
Recent M&A activity also confirms some key characteristics of the consolidation trend:
According to a press release from MNA, the consolidation of two patient units -- the 18-bed medical surgical and nine-bed special care -- will reduce the number of beds at the hospital and result in the elimination of 3.5 full-time nursing positions.
On 26 November 2014 the Bank obtained consent of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of the Ministry of National Economy on the Consolidation. On 10 December 2014 the Bank obtained consent of the National Bank of the Republic Kazakhstan on the Consolidation.
According to the bank, store consolidations will begin in September and continue through the end of 2014.
Data centre consolidation is being driven with objectives of cost containment, better utilisation and doing more with less.
The mechanism of the triaxial creep is different from the mechanisms of secondary consolidation and shear creep, which is the coupling between shear creep and volume creep of soil.
The literature allows this study to connect consolidation with debt burden.
The Bonus Shares are subject to TSXV and regulatory approval and the completion of the Consolidation (as defined below).

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