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A climax community of plants which is dominated by a single species.
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Journal of Democracy 96; Arend Lijphart, 'Consociation and
Consociation is conventionally described as the sharing of power between the leaders of the contending groups or segments, each of which usually has the power of veto, he explains, but it can also entail proportional distribution of posts in the legislature and bureaucracy as well as the executive, and a degree of autonomy or self-rule for the parties, especially in matters of cultural consequence.
(152.) Brendan O'Leary, The Belfast Agreement and the British-Irish Agreement: Consociation, Confederal Institutions, a Federacy, and a Peace Process, in THE ARCHITECTURE OF DEMOCRACY, supra note 14, at 293, 294.
Rather than attempting to transcend divisions, generate homogeneity or exclude extremes, consociation operates from a realistic recognition of society's fragmentation and an appreciation of its dominant discourses of nationalism, conflict and realism.
Taylor, Rupert (2001) 'Northern Ireland: consociation or social transformation?', in John McGarry (ed) Northern Ireland and the Divided World: post-agreement Northern Ireland in comparative perspective.
Integration and consociation, perhaps, are not apt terms to categorize this division, but, certainly, they have some resonance.
2 (1985); Arend Lijphart, "Consociation and Federation: Conceptual and Empirical Links," Publius 15, no.
Magnette, The European Union as a Consociation? A Methodological Assessment, 26 W.
In equivalent or complimentary incorporation, the society is constituted as a consociation of complimentary or equivalent, but mutually exclusive corporate divisions, memberships in one of which is prerequisite for citizenship in the wider unit.
A viable federal model might be a binational, multiethnic, multireligious, pluralist state based on consociation. (8) From a Kurdish perspective, any future arrangement must be based on renegotiation of the constitution, political system, distribution of power, geographic demarcation and institutional barriers to nullify any signed agreement.