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tr. & intr.v. con·so·ci·at·ed, con·so·ci·at·ing, con·so·ci·ates
To bring or come into friendly or cooperative association.
adj. (-ĭt)
Associated; united.
n. (-ĭt)
An associate or partner.

[Latin cōnsociāre, cōnsociāt-, to associate : com-, com- + sociāre, to associate (from socius, companion; see sekw- in Indo-European roots).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


to enter into or bring into friendly association
associated or united
an associate or partner
[C16: from Latin consociāre, from socius partner]
conˌsociˈation n
conˌsociˈational adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(v. əˈsoʊ ʃiˌeɪt, -si-; n., adj., -ɪt, -ˌeɪt)

v. -at•ed, -at•ing,
n., adj. v.t.
1. to connect or bring into relation in thought, feeling, memory, etc.: to associate rainy days with depression.
2. to align or commit (oneself) as a companion, partner, or colleague.
3. to unite; combine: coal associated with shale.
4. to keep company as a friend, companion, or ally.
5. to join together as partners or colleagues.
6. to enter into union; unite.
7. a person who shares actively in an enterprise; partner; colleague; coworker.
8. a companion; comrade.
9. anything usu. accompanying or associated with another; accompaniment; concomitant.
10. a person admitted to a subordinate degree of membership in an association or institution.
11. connected, joined, or related, esp. as a companion or colleague; having equal or nearly equal responsibility.
12. having subordinate status; without full rights and privileges: an associate member.
13. allied; concomitant.
[1400–50; < Latin associātus, past participle of associāre to join <as- as- + sociāre to attach <socius companion (compare social)]
as•so′ci•ate•ship`, n.
syn: See acquaintance.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: consociated
Gerund: consociating

I consociate
you consociate
he/she/it consociates
we consociate
you consociate
they consociate
I consociated
you consociated
he/she/it consociated
we consociated
you consociated
they consociated
Present Continuous
I am consociating
you are consociating
he/she/it is consociating
we are consociating
you are consociating
they are consociating
Present Perfect
I have consociated
you have consociated
he/she/it has consociated
we have consociated
you have consociated
they have consociated
Past Continuous
I was consociating
you were consociating
he/she/it was consociating
we were consociating
you were consociating
they were consociating
Past Perfect
I had consociated
you had consociated
he/she/it had consociated
we had consociated
you had consociated
they had consociated
I will consociate
you will consociate
he/she/it will consociate
we will consociate
you will consociate
they will consociate
Future Perfect
I will have consociated
you will have consociated
he/she/it will have consociated
we will have consociated
you will have consociated
they will have consociated
Future Continuous
I will be consociating
you will be consociating
he/she/it will be consociating
we will be consociating
you will be consociating
they will be consociating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been consociating
you have been consociating
he/she/it has been consociating
we have been consociating
you have been consociating
they have been consociating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been consociating
you will have been consociating
he/she/it will have been consociating
we will have been consociating
you will have been consociating
they will have been consociating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been consociating
you had been consociating
he/she/it had been consociating
we had been consociating
you had been consociating
they had been consociating
I would consociate
you would consociate
he/she/it would consociate
we would consociate
you would consociate
they would consociate
Past Conditional
I would have consociated
you would have consociated
he/she/it would have consociated
we would have consociated
you would have consociated
they would have consociated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.consociate - bring or come into association or actionconsociate - bring or come into association or action; "The churches consociated to fight their dissolution"
unite, unify - act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
walk - be or act in association with; "We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters"; "Walk with God"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
It would have no apparent requirement for sperm parasitism of free-living consociates because its gynes arguably have the in-built capacity themselves to produce allospecific males destined to become the gynogenetic partners of their female offspring.
I have already described the diverse clan and clan-cluster identity of my consociates. These are not men who, within the lifelong time frames of kinship based social systems, have grown old together.
The participant citizens are consociates of a form of life embedded in structures of communicative action, which are linguistically mediated forms of interaction based on the ability of the hearer and speaker to accept and reject the validity claims raised in reciprocally related speech acts.
Other common names for associates, depending on the religious order, are consociates, coworkers, affiliates and co-journers.
The focus of contention in the Schutz-Parsons debate is that Schutz acknowledges an ontological break between the commonsense and the scientific world, that is, the "world of consociates" and the "world of contemporaries." (7) However, Parsons only considers it "a matter of refinement" (Grathoff 1978:69).
At the same time, the welfare of her consociates connected in a symmetrical inter-subjective web of relations also needs safeguarding.
The latter, he notes, sees Aboriginal drinking as 'expressive of the desire for equality with whites, group membership, personal autonomy and reciprocity between consociates' or some other significant social or political meaning (Moore 1992: 178).
Ideally, democratic rule means that all members of a sovereign body are to be respected as bearers of human rights, and that the consociates of this sovereign freely associate with one another to establish a regime of self-governance under which each is to be considered both author of the laws and subject to them.
[A]s participants in rational discourses, consociates under law must be able to examine whether a contested norm meets with, or could meet with, the agreement of all those possibly affected ...
Parents, Consociates and the Social Construction of Children's Athletics.
Through studying this publication in its new edition, modern readers will learn much about Waelrant's life, not only as a composer, but also as singer, theorist, teacher, anti publisher whose consociates included not only fellow musicians but also some of the Antwerp elite, such as the patrician Cornelius Pruenen, dedicatee of the volume.