
(redirected from Consociational state)
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A climax community of plants which is dominated by a single species.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Chapter 7 concentrates on the 2004 referendum as the mechanism for adoption of the proposed consociational state. This chapter provides two divergent case studies of the North and South of Cyprus.
Demographic changes coupled with the consociational state's unresponsiveness and paralysis have resulted in communal grievances and sectarian mobilizations.
The consociational state needed to act to contain sectarian grievances, but it failed to do so.
The consociational state's impingement on these territories were often considered as violations of the national pact and labeled as an attack on sectarian coexistence (Al-Aysh Al-Moushtarak) by subjected sectarian groups.