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A chamber used for a church court.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A Church consistory court was called in when St Nicholas' asked for clarification.
The October 14 date for the canonizations had already been announced during an ordinary public consistory in mid-May.
In the Roman Catholic Church, a consistory is a formal meeting of the College of Cardinals called by the pope.
This will be Francis's fifth consistory after previous events in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
"The Consistory Court and the Chancellor of the court decided the church hadn't sufficiently demonstrated the screens were necessary to help its mission, so refused the faculty."
The ruling is the latest in a string of decisions from the Church of England's Consistory Court, which has to approve matters relating to churchyards, where plans by families for the last resting places of their loved ones have been thwarted.
Francis, making the surprise announcement during his weekly Sunday address, said the ceremony to elevate the prelates, known as a consistory, would be held on Nov.
Church of England Consistory Court judge Phillip Petchey ruled the circumstances were "exceptional" and the exhumation could go ahead in South London despite objections from Mr McGrory's siblings.
In a 7,000-word judgement, the Church of England's consistory court dismissed claims the skull was snatched from Shakespeare's tomb.
What is equally striking about the list is the exclusion of archbishops from the so-called "cardinalatial" sees of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia, where the red hat was expected to be bestowed in the consistory in February.
However Euan Duff, Chancellor of the Diocese of Newcastle, and a judge of the Church of England's consistory court, which has to approve issues relating to church matters, refused permission for the sale.