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CONSISTORY, ecclesiastical law. An assembly of cardinals convoked by the pope. The consistory is public or secret. It is public, when the pope receives princes or gives audience to ambassadors; secret, when he fills vacant sees, proceeds to the canonization of saints, or judges and settles certain contestations submitted to him.
     2. A court which was formerly held among protestants, in which the bishop presided, assisted by some of his clergy, also bears this name. It is now held in England, by the bishop's chancellor or commissary, and some other ecclesiastical officers, either in the cathedral, church, or other place in his diocese, for the determination of ecclesiastical cases arising in that diocese. Merl. Rep. h.t.; Burns' Dict. h.t.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
The social composition of Calvinist consistories in other French Reformed towns was significantly more diverse than in La Rochelle, see J.
Therefore, in principle, the consistories in Scotland, Geneva, and Emden had the greatest power to change people's ways.
In terms of popular perceptions, consistories are also the closest thing Catholicism has to the Iowa caucuses, meaning a chance to see possible future contenders for the papacy up close and personal.
In fact, burgomasters were named as elders on consistories until the civic resolution of 20 Jan.