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CONSIGNATION, contracts. In the civil law, it is a deposit which a debtor makes of the thing that he owes, into the hands of a third person, and under the authority of a court of justice. Poth. Oblig. P. 3, c. 1, art. 8.
     2. Generally the consignation is made with a public officer it is very similar to our practice of paying money into court.
     3. The term to consign, or consignation, is derived from the Latin consignare, which signifies to seal, for it was formerly the practice to seal up the money thus received in a bag or box. Aso & Man. Inst. B. 2, t. 11, c. 1, Sec. 5. See Burge on Sur. 138.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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Wolters Kluwer Financial Services announced on Thursday that it has formed a partnership with Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC), a public financial institution specialising in funding governmental projects, to help manage CDC's assets and liabilities and calculate market risk in its banking book.
The European Commission gave the green light, on 10 April, to ERDF, the Caisse des Depots et consignations (CDC) and UEM, all based in France, to create this new company.
Musca, who left his job as chief of staff last month when Nicolas Sarkozy resigned, was expected to become head of French financial house, Caisse des Depots et Consignations, or of the European Stability Mechanism, the EUR500bn (USD621bn) bailout fund set up by European institutions, and scheduled to be operative in July.
Dexia has already sold its Belgian bank unit to the Government while in France Caisse des Depots & Consignations has taken control of the subsidiary that funds its French municipal- lending business.
CDC Entreprises, a unit of French state-owned financial institution Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC), will offer across the country financing opportunities through Avenir Entreprises, a company jointly owned with Oseo.
The aid will be granted to a joint venture between Roquette Freres, a Belgian company, Electricite de Strasbourg and Caisse des Depots et Consignations. The joint venture will sell the produced geothermal heat to the industrial site operated by Roquette Freres in Beinheim, enabling the company to partly replace its existing gas-fired heating boilers.
Summary: Marrakech - Director General of France' Caisse des depE[sup.3]ts et consignations (CDC) Augustin de Romanet lauded, on Friday in Marrakech, the high level of cooperation with Morocco's Caisse de depE[sup.3]t et de gestion (CDG).
The company plans to open its gas pipeline unit GRTgaz to investors such as French state-owned investment bank Caisse des Depots et des Consignations and insurer CNP Assurances (CNP.FR).
Payment of the offer price for shares and warrants not tendered to the additional tender offer will be deposited with the Deposito-en Consignatiekas/Caisse des Depots et Consignations in Belgium.
The "GB Speedrail" group, already consisting of Eurotunnel, Goldman Sachs Infrastructure Partners and M&G's Infracapital, has been joined by two financial backers, Britain's Universities Superannuation Scheme, and France's Caisse des DepE[sup.3]ts et Consignations, a spokesman for the group said.
From July 2000 to December 2002, Gauthey was director of New Information and Communications Technologies at the Caisse des Depots et Consignations and was responsible for the regional digital development programme by a mandate from the State (Comite Interministeriel d'Amenagement du Territoire - CIADT - dated 9 July 2001).