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CONSPIRATORS. Persons guilty of a conspiracy. See 3 Bl. Com. 126-71 Wils. Rep. 210-11. See Conspiracy.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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"I got it for--for--for--" the detected Conspirator stammered, trying her best to put on the assassin-expression that she had been practising at the looking-glass.
"Now don't say your Word and Honour!" groaned the other Conspirator. "Why, they aren't worth half the money, put together!"
My Lady's eyes flashed with all a Conspirator's enthusiasm.
The conspirators, led by Dan Grady and Horse Egan, poured in daily.
Mulcahy knew that the mutiny, for the present at least, was dead; knew, too, that a change had come over Dan's usually respectful attitude towards him, and Horse Egan's laughter and frequent allusions to abortive conspiracies emphasised all that the conspirator had guessed.
"And what," said Mulcahy in an awe-stricken whisper, after some conversation on the eternal subject, "are you going to do to me, Dan?" This might have been the language of an able conspirator conciliating a weak spirit.
Then the Second Conspirator - he who believed in "joining hands with the practical branches" - began to laugh, and on recovering his gravity said, "Gentlemen, I consider this will be a lesson to us.
It was a striking example of your true conspirator's blindness, of the stupid subtlety of people with one idea.
"He will be presented to you to-day, and confidentially will congratulate you on the danger which that conspirator has made you run."
It was not until the old lady was fairly ensconced in her usual arm- chair in the drawing-room, and the preliminary embraces and inquiries had taken place between the ladies, that the conspirators thought it advisable to submit her to the operation.
And, to reduce the matter into a small compass, I say that, on the side of the conspirator, there is nothing but fear, jealousy, prospect of punishment to terrify him; but on the side of the prince there is the majesty of the principality, the laws, the protection of friends and the state to defend him; so that, adding to all these things the popular goodwill, it is impossible that any one should be so rash as to conspire.
But affairs were not in so quiet a situation in the bosom of the other conspirator; his mind was tost in all the distracting anxiety so nobly described by Shakespear--