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CONSTRAINT. In the civil and Scottish law, by this term is understood what, in the common law, is known by the name of duress.
     2. It is a general rule, that when one is compelled into a contract, there is no effectual consent, though, ostensibly, there is the form of it. In such case the contract will be declared void.
     3. The constraint requisite thus to annul a contract, must be a vis aut me us qui cadet in constantem virum, such as would shake a man of firmness and resolution. 3 Ersk. 1, Sec. 16; and 4, 1, Sec. 26; 1 Bell's Conn. B. 3, part 1, o. 1, s. 1, art. 1, page 295.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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If there were a constraint in the database, and you change it, do you know how to revert to the original value from the database?
One of the best examples of the focus and creative skill development as a result of constraints can be seen in Brazilian soccer.
In this setting, our constraint learning approach uses the small labeled data set to discover the high-level invariants governing the system's outputs and then uses these invariants to train the system on the large unlabeled set.
It was suggested that the distribution companies should equip the Constraint Removal War Rooms with CCTV cameras connected with the centralised monitoring system via communication link of the Power Information Technology Company for continued monitoring by the power minister.
Alaoji National Independent Power Plant had a constraint of 240MW, which affected the ability of the plant to generate commercial energy.
ISLAMABAD -- With little time left in its five-year tenure, the federal government has directed power distribution companies to remove all constraints by the end of March in order to do away with load-shedding in areas covered by low-loss feeders across the country.
The DISCOs are further directed to equip the Constraint Removal War Rooms with CCTV cameras connected with centralized monitoring system via
Islamabad -- All Power Distribution Companies have been directed to equip the Constraint Removal War Rooms (CRWR) with CCTV cameras connected with centralized monitoring system via communication link of Power information Technology Company (PITC) for continued monitoring by the Federal Minister for Power Division himself.
On the directions of the federal minister for power division all distribution companies have established special constraint removal war rooms (CRWR).
Islamabad -- On the directions of federal minister for power division all distribution companies have established special Constraint Removal War Rooms (CRWR) while the Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) has established a special monitoring cell to execute the constraints removal.
These methods use either set inversion [3, 4] or constraint propagation techniques [5, 6] to deal with the localization problem and provide a set of intervals containing the vehicle pose (position and orientation) rather than probabilities.

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