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Something done; usually, something done intentionally or voluntarily or with a purpose.

The term encompasses not only physical acts—such as turning on the water or purchasing a gun—but also refers to more intangible acts such as adopting a decree, edict, law, judgment, award, or determination. An act may be a private act, done by an individual managing his or her personal affairs, or it may be a public act, done by an official, a council, or a court. When a bill is favorably acted upon in the process of legislation, it becomes an act.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1) n. in general, any action by a person. 2) n. a statutory plan passed by Congress or any legislature which is a "bill" until enacted and becomes law. 3) v. for a court to make a decision and rule on a motion or petition, as in "the court will act on your motion for a new trial."

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.


1 the formally codified result ofdeliberation by a legislative body; a law, edict, decree, statute, etc. See ACT OF PARLIAMENT.
2 a formal written record of transactions, proceedings, etc., as of a society, committee or legislative body.
3 in Scottish practice an indication of the lawyer who represents the pursuer.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

ACT, civil law, contracts. A writing which states in a legal form that a thing has been said, done, or agreed. In Latin, Instrumentum. Merl. Rep.

ACT. In the legal sense, this word may be used to signify the result of a public deliberation, the decision of a prince, of a legislative body, of a council, court of justice, or a magistrate. Also, a decree, edict, law, judgment, resolve, award, determination. Also, an instrument in writing to verify facts, as act of assembly, act of congress, act of parliament, act and deed. See Webster's Dict. Acts are civil or criminal, lawful or unlawful, public or private.
    2. Public acts, usually denominated authentic, are those which have a public authority, and which have been made before public officers, are authorized by a public seal, have been made public by the authority of a magistrate, or which have been extracted and been properly authenticated from public records.
    3. Acts under private signature are those which have been made by private individuals, under their hands. An act of this kind does not acquire the force of an authentic act, by being registered in the office of a notary. 5 N. S. 693; 8 N. S. 568 ; 3 L. R. 419 ; 8 N. S. 396 ; 11 M. R. 243; unless it has been properly acknowledged before the officer, by the parties to it. 5 N. S. 196.
     4. Private acts are those made by private persons, as registers in relation to their receipts and expenditures, schedules, acquittances, and the like. Nov. 73, c. 2 ; Code, lib. 7, tit. 32, 1. 6; lib. 4, t. 21; Dig. lib. 22, tit.. 4; Civ. Code of Louis. art. 2231 to 2254; Toull. Dr. Civ. Francais, tom. 8, p. 94.

ACT, evidence. The act of one of several conspirators, performed in pursuance of the common design, is evidence against all of them. An overt act of treason must be proved by two witnesses. See Overt.
     2. The terra. acts, includes written correspondence, and other papers relative to the design of the parties, but whether it includes unpublished writings upon abstract questions, though of a kindred nature, has been doubted, Foster's Rep. 198 ; 2 Stark. R. 116, 141.
     3. In cases of partnership it is a rule that the act or declaration of either partner, in furtherance of the common object of the association, is the act of all. 1 Pet. R. 371 5 B. & Ald. 267.
     4. And the acts. of an agent, in pursuance of his authority, will be binding on his principal. Greenl. Ev. Sec. 113.

ACT, legislation. A statute or law made by a legislative body; as an act of congress is a law by the congress of the United States; an act of assembly is a law made by a legislative assembly. If an act of assembly expire or be repealed while a proceeding under it is in fieri or pending, the proceeding becomes abortive; as a prosecution for an offence, 7 Wheat. 552; or a proceeding under insolvent laws. 1 Bl. R. 451; Burr. 1456 ; 6 Cranch, 208 ; 9 Serg. & Rawle, 283.
     2. Acts are general or special; public or private. A general or public act is a universal rule which binds the whole community; of which the courts are bound to take notice ex officio.
     3. Explanatory acts should not be enlarged by equity Blood's case, Comb. 410; although such acts may be allowed to have a retrospective operation. Dupin, Notions de Droit, 145. 9.
     4. Private or special acts are rather exceptions, than rules; being those which operate only upon particular persons and private concerns; of these the courts are not bound to take notice, unless they are pleaded. Com. 85, 6; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 105.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
'We will also abolish some other provisions in the Penal Code, the Communications and Multimedia Act, the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act, the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 and the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015,' Bernama quoted him telling a press conference.
Constitution (Amendment) Act, 2017, the Elections (Amendment) Act, 2017, the Right of Access to Information Act, 2017, the Elections Act, 2017.
Similarly, the Companies Act, 2017, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2017, the Representation of the People Act, 2017, the National Counter Terrorism Authority (Amendment) Act, 2017, the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act, 2017, the Pakistan Commissions of Inquiry Bill, 2017, the Constitution (Twenty-Eight Amendment) Act, 2017, the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 2017, the Hindu Marriage Act, 2016, the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016, the Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Act, 2016, the Constitution (Twenty Second Amendment) Act, 2016, the Constitution (Twenty-first Amendment) Act, 2015, the Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014 and the Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014 bills were also passed during the said period.
Students who wish to improve their ACT Test results are encouraged to visit the SUMMIT ACT PREP website for more information and to register for an online class that fits their schedule.
For employer contributions to existing plans, the Act provides higher caps that are further increased for employers that maintain both a DC and DB plan.
First, the Council expects the Act will reduce New York City's electricity consumption, air pollution, and water use.
* The act amends the Internal Revenue Code with respect to hurricane-related tax relief.
Most African nations accept that ACT should be their primary weapon in the war on malaria.
The GO Zone Act modifies the suspension of interest rules such that, if a taxpayer files an amended return or any other document showing that additional tax is owed, the 18-month notification period will not begin until the date that the last document showing the additional tax is filed.
For instance, the act increases the ability of law enforcement to search homes and business records secretly; it expands wiretapping and surveillance authority; and it creates an entirely new mechanism for obtaining proper search warrants and then engaging in electronic snooping of email, telephone calls, and internet messaging.
The We Don't Hire Buddies' Roommates (Kennedys Excepted) Act.