consistency condition

consistency condition

[kən′sis·tən·sē kən′dish·ən]
The requirement that a mathematical theory be free from contradiction.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The methods proposed in [2, 13] implicitly used the zeroth-order HL consistency condition; that is, the DC term is the same for all projections, as a constraint for data extrapolation.
This restriction is expressed by Helgason-Ludwig (HL) consistency conditions [6, 7], which are a mathematical expression to precisely describe the overlap of information between different projections.
It is also assumed that the function f(t) belongs to C 1[0,T] and satisfy the consistency condition f(0) = k(0)g'(0).
Hence, the previous consistency condition is obtained.
Toward this end, the worm was said either to: (1) simply count the berries (high biological consistency condition), or (2) eat the berries and turn green (low biological consistency condition).
Specifically, the worm was said either to: (1) find his/her way back home to live with the other yellow worms (high environmental consistency condition), or (2) was found, and adopted, by green worms and went to live with them (low environmental consistency condition).
"Cross-Type Transformations and the Path Consistency Condition," Music Theory Specirtem 29, no.
The Kolmogorov consistency theorem states that every probability measure [mu] satisfying the consistency condition
Consistency conditions give [P.sub.n](01) = [P.sub.n](001) + [P.sub.n](101).
The repetition of step (3) is prevented by using the entry made in the back of the ledger when it is Thus, the consistency condition is maintained even if a messenger the same message several times.
Basically, those employers would have to meet the section 530 reporting consistency condition and have a reasonable argument that they meet the substantive consistency and reasonable basis requirements.
In this model, the conjectures are endogenously determined and the complete equilibrium is the solution of the first-order condition (2) and the consistency condition (4).