consist of (something)

(redirected from consisted of)

consist of (something)

To be made up of (something). Your grade consists of several factors, such as homework, projects, and test scores. This paint actually consists of several natural ingredients. I'm always skeptical of these desserts that claim to consist of healthy ingredients. If they're actually healthy, they taste terrible, and if they taste good, they're not as healthy as they claim to be.
See also: consist, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

consist of someone or something

to include people or things; to be made up of people or things. This bread consists of flour, water, sugar, oil, and yeast. The U.S. Senate consists of two elected officials from each state.
See also: consist, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

consist of

To have something as components; be made up of something: The English test consisted of four essays.
See also: consist, of
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents- military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws- laws of oblique movements, outflankings, and so forth.
The fifth party consisted of those who were adherents of Barclay de Tolly, not so much as a man but as minister of war and commander in chief.
The seventh party consisted of the sort of people who are always to be found, especially around young sovereigns, and of whom there were particularly many round Alexander- generals and imperial aides-de-camp passionately devoted to the Emperor, not merely as a monarch but as a man, adoring him sincerely and disinterestedly, as Rostov had done in 1805, and who saw in him not only all the virtues but all human capabilities as well.
The eighth and largest group, which in its enormous numbers was to the others as ninety-nine to one, consisted of men who desired neither peace nor war, neither an advance nor a defensive camp at the Drissa or anywhere else, neither Barclay nor the Emperor, neither Pfuel nor Bennigsen, but only the one most essential thing- as much advantage and pleasure for themselves as possible.
He learned, however, that the purchase was difficult to finance, as part of the collateral consisted of the SEPTA right-of-way which contained the primary light rail line connecting the east and west banks of the Schuylkill River.
The first section consisted of eight yes/no questions regarding participants' training in conflict management.
The Common Task Training that consisted of five specialized tasks completed by both Soldiers and NCOs.
The first group consisted of 420 mothers sampled between 1959 and 1966 in a study of in utero exposure to organophosphate pesticides.
Intimidad (Intimacy), 2001, consisted of eight small white balconies, each just big enough for one person, mounted on the wall at regular intervals.
Originally, the program consisted of lectures in a classroom setting, but interest among staff was lacking.
The mass was unencapsulated and consisted of cystic and solid components (figure 3).
In another gallery, a bizarre sort of threshing machine continued its fruitless work next to a wall sculpture that consisted of open books haphazardly pasted onto a canvas.
Historically in storage environments, physical interfaces to storage consisted of parallel SCSI channels supporting a small number of SCSI devices.