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Words related to consistory

a church tribunal or governing body

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The approach of the consistory courts to faculties for exhumation was not applicable to the standard to be adopted by the Secretary of State to the grant of licences under section 25(ii).
It is believed that di Castiglione is the first cleric ever to be summoned by the church's ancient Consistory Court for making unauthorised changes.
Mr Thomas said, "People say that the city has never been Welsh, but the records of the hearings in the consistory courts [run by the Anglican church] show that 40pc of the cases in Cardiff used to be heard in Welsh, and in parishes outside the city, such as Roath, the figure rose to 90pc."
Better known by Thomas Wright's title as 'A Satire on the Consistory Courts', this poem repays close reading because of its difficult and highly wrought language, a feature that leads Turville-Petre to propose that it satirizes the afflictions of the lower classes from the perspective of their social superiors.
The balance between tradition and individuality is also crucially at issue in the two essays by Derek Pearsall and Thorlac Turville-Petre, addressed respectively to the The Simonie and to the Satire on the Consistory Courts in Harley MS 2253.
Consistory Courts were established in the 11th century by a charter of William the Conqueror to judge ecclesiastical cases as well as matrimonial matters, though they were stripped of many of their duties from the mid-19th Century onwards.
The most often cited London Consistory Court record in relation to early modern London theatre history is the record of the playgoing of Marion Frith, or Moll Cutpurse.