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an organism belonging to the same species as another organism

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References in periodicals archive ?
In the tests made with guava weevil odors, both sexes were significantly attracted to feces odors, but not toward volatiles from conspecific (Table 1).
This involved placing the originally encountered conspecific (familiar) as well as a second (novel) conspecific into the subject's home cage.
This value is comparable to the previously reported aggressive scores of rats showing physiological stress signs (e.g., Fokkema & Koolhaas, 1985; Fokkema, Smit, Van der Gugten, & Koolhaas, 1988), thus supporting the adequacy of our preparation for evoking conspecific fighting.
norwegica and albida were conspecific. Pekkarinen (1995) compared measurement data for seven parameters (oculo-malar length, distance between compound eyes on vertex, postocellar width, distance between posterior ocellus and occipital margin, clypeal width, clypeal length and pronotal width), along with features of the male genitalia (upper inner margin of the paramere and tip of the aedeagus) and likewise concluded that D.
For example, terrestrial vertebrate secondary seed dispersal of Vouacapoua americana (Legumonisae)(Forget 1990) and Virola calophylla (Myristicaceae) led to higher seedling survival than below the adult conspecific trees or below spider monkey sleeping sites where seed densities were higher (Russo 2005).
Perched males, if approached by a conspecific male, resulted in the resident flying directly at the intruder.
Because we intentionally chose abundant native species for our study, conspecific flowers were always available within the foraging range of the pollinators.
Conspecific attraction is the tendency for animals to settle near other members of their species.
laticeps can recognize male conspecific pheromones (Cooper, 1996; Cooper and Vitt, 1984).
Presumably, a conspecific meal has precisely the compounds that the diner needs.
The usual finding is conspecific sperm precedence; and it has been inferred that this precedence may account for patterns of positive assortment seen in nature.
It has been considered conspecific with the blue monkey.
The invasive Asian lady beetle, Hannonia axyridis, employ a more generalized response and reduce feeding on all conspecific young (Ducatti et al 2017).
Three different foraging scenarios (n = 16 replicates per scenario) were observed for each population: (1) individual parasitoids foraging alone, (2) parasitoids foraging with a heterospecific competitor, and (3) parasitoids foraging with a conspecific competitor.
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