Constantine I

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Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians and in 324 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire

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References in periodicals archive ?
Only with the Apostolic Constitutions, a considerable time after the Apostolic Tradition and half a century after Constantine I's death, did the church orders rescind the prohibition of killing.
DiMaio, `Zonaras, Julian, and Philostorgios on the Death of Constantine I', Greek Orthodox Theological Review 26 (1981), 118-24, at 119; R.
Constantine is reportedly the eighth member to join Numerex's board of directors.
Unbeaten Nissan sit third in the Northern League First Division after four wins and a draw from their five matches, and Constantine is not surprised by their form, despite some key departures in the summer.
A descendant of Joseph Constantine is Susannah Constantine, part of the fashion guru team Trinny and Susannah.
David Constantine is accused of stabbing himself at his home in Manor Grange, Lanchester, County Durham, last New Year's Eve.
Constantine is said to have had this ancient talisman removed--perhaps stolen--and to have consecrated it at the centre of his new capital.
The purists may be in shock, but this screen Constantine is still a pretty creepy character, perhaps even more so with Reeves's blank-faced performance.
The increased number of stores Constantine is responsible for is indicative of the growth of CVS over the years.
ON-LOAN striker Leon Constantine is already tipping Orient for promotion after netting his second goal in three games.
Few historical sources from Late Antiquity have attracted so much scholarly attention as Eusebius' Life of Constantine, and few passages have been at the centre of so extended a debate as those in which Constantine is referred to as `bishop', for they seem to encapsulate the Byzantine vision of imperial authority in its relation to Christianity.(1)
Constantine is charged with two offences of perverting the course of justice and one of harassment.