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Synonyms for conspicuously

in a manner tending to attract attention

in a prominent way


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References in classic literature ?
A prevalent feature in these compositions was a nursed and petted melancholy; another was a wasteful and opulent gush of "fine language"; another was a tendency to lug in by the ears particularly prized words and phrases until they were worn entirely out; and a peculiarity that conspicuously marked and marred them was the inveterate and intolerable sermon that wagged its crippled tail at the end of each and every one of them.
She seemed to stand out in his consciousness as conspicuously as the I shall had stood out on the typed page, and he began to take notice.
So he sat on his haunches, conspicuously in an open space, and challenged the hawk down out of the sky.
"That's what I was saying," Mainhall lounged a little nearer and dropped into a tone even more conspicuously confidential.
During our boyhood our parents tried to distinguish us more obviously by our clothing and other simple devices, but we would so frequently exchange suits and otherwise circumvent the enemy that they abandoned all such ineffectual attempts, and during all the years that we lived together at home everybody recognized the difficulty of the situation and made the best of it by calling us both "Jehnry." I have often wondered at my father's forbearance in not branding us conspicuously upon our unworthy brows, but as we were tolerably good boys and used our power of embarrassment and annoyance with commendable moderation, we escaped the iron.
How are you, mon cher?" said Stepan Arkadyevitch, as conspicuously brilliant in the midst of all the Petersburg brilliance as he was in Moscow, his face rosy, and his whiskers sleek and glossy.
The possession of a wife conspicuously one's inferior in intellect is, like other high privileges, attended with a few inconveniences, and, among the rest, with the occasional necessity for using a little deception.
Before another month was by, all the working members of his family had union cards, and wore their union buttons conspicuously and with pride.
That is the merit which is most loudly praised in the old picture, and is the one which the copy most conspicuously lacks, and which the copyist must not hope to compass.
The faces of these people were haggard, and their entire appearance contrasted conspicuously with the Sabbath-best appearance of the people on the omnibuses.
They resolved, therefore, to take further toll of the travellers, and, if possible, to capture the tin case of despatches; which shining conspicuously from afar, and being guarded by John Reed with such especial care, must, as they supposed, be "a great medicine."
Had I been a whole man on my legs, he took care to tell me what he would have done, and to drive it home with a mouthful of the oaths which were conspicuously absent from his ordinary talk.
There are numerous photographs of older as well as contemporary Duncan dancers, with Gamson conspicuously missing again.
Sahlins, for instance, shows the symbolic content of entering a world system as Hawaiian kings grew fat, consumed conspicuously, and adopted British names.
An uncomfortable and repellent force that tends to send you into orbit, away from the blind and virtually impenetrable service core (conspicuously absent from Foster's well-known section drawing.)