constant of proportionality

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Synonyms for constant of proportionality

the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y

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References in periodicals archive ?
where k is the improved constant of proportionality for the relation.
The constant of proportionality k is adjusted to a treatment scheme, assigning it the name NSD, and whose physical interpretation facilitates the comparison of treatments with different fractionation schemes and different total times, indicating the biological effect [9] [10].
By a similar process, Fourier arrived at the law of conductive heat transfer, [q.sub.cond] = k dT/dx, where the constant of proportionality has been assigned the name "thermal conductivity," the symbol k, and the same dimension as q/(dT/dx).
where the constant of proportionality for capacitance is
The constant of proportionality between the distance of a galaxy and its speed is now known as [H.sub.0], the Hubble constant.
where "a" is a constant of proportionality and depends on the preexistent flaw size distribution.
Therefore, their total gives a useful estimate of the size of the linear-time constant of proportionality for the merge routine we have described.
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