constant quantity

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Synonyms for constant quantity

a quantity that does not vary

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The tears of the world need not be a constant quantity. -- Project Syndicate
Consequently, this approach can be used by considering the incorporation of superplasticisers to maintain a constant quantity of water in the mixture and generalised for various types of cements and a more significant number of fine and ultra-fine admixtures, to give possibilities to define criteria of performance for the admixtures and to make possible the control of the choice and the conditions of their incorporations in the formulation of concretes.
A low score on this scale indicates a feeling that mathematical ability is a constant quantity. The reliability of the scale for this study was .83.
P, as measured by the GNP deflator, can increase when consumers turn over a constant quantity of money at the same rate to purchase a constant bundle of goods with the same total nominal value.
Hahn's objection to metapreferences, if I read him correctly, is that human nature is pretty much a constant quantity so whatever we would wish to become does not influence what we do in fact choose.
What was needed was a battery that could be relied on to deliver a constant quantity of current over a reasonably long time.
A constant quantity of outside air is used the year around.
By using a constant quantity of outside air, the filter inspection program is solved and the necessity of short interval filter changes required is eliminated when increased quantities of outside air are used.
The idea of a constant quantity of money is plausible.
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