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be conspicuous by (one's)/its absence

To be especially noticeable by being missing or absent (from something). You're the loudest one in the class, so of course you're conspicuous by your absence! The governor's economic stimulus plan was conspicuous by its absence during his speech this afternoon. A: "How could you tell that I didn't add cinnamon this time?" B: "Well, it's a flavor that's pretty conspicuous by its absence."
See also: absence, by, conspicuous

be made conspicuous by (one's)/(something's) absence

To become especially noticeable as a result of being missing or absent (from something). The gala was meant to feature all the top talent in Hollywood, which is why several high-profile actors were made conspicuous by their absence from the event. The governor's economic stimulus plan, which he spent the majority of his campaign championing, was made all the more conspicuous by its absence during his first public speech since winning the election. I hoped people wouldn't notice that I'd forgotten to add cinnamon to the recipe, but it seems to have been made conspicuous by its absence.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous, made

conspicuous by (one's)/its absence

Especially noticeable by being missing or absent (from something). You're the loudest one in the class, so of course you're conspicuous by your absence! The governor's economic stimulus plan was conspicuous by its absence during his speech this afternoon. A: "How could you tell that I didn't add cinnamon this time?" B: "Well, it's a flavor that's pretty conspicuous by its absence."
See also: absence, by, conspicuous

conspicuous consumption

The lavish expenditure of money or acquisition of expensive items as a public display of one's wealth or financial success. In rapidly developing economies, conspicuous consumption becomes more and more prevalent as a means for those who have done well to flaunt their new economic status. I can't believe that teenager was killed by thugs trying to steal his high-end sneakers. Conspicuous consumption really is more important than human life today, huh? I'm not surprised he was embezzling money from his company. I wonder if his conspicuous consumption is what helped tip off the authorities.
See also: conspicuous

make (oneself) conspicuous

To draw attention to or make obvious one's presence, influence, or contribution. My little brother can't stand being ignored, so he goes out of his way to make himself conspicuous whenever we're around other people. Having made a name for herself with her auteur directing, the major film producer always makes herself conspicuous in anything she helps create.
See also: conspicuous, make
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*conspicuous by one's absence

Cliché noticeably absent (from an event). (*Typically: be ~; made ~.) How could the bride's father miss the wedding? He was certainly conspicuous by his absence.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous

make oneself conspicuous

to attract attention to oneself. Please don't make yourself conspicuous. It embarrasses me. Ann makes herself conspicuous by wearing brightly colored clothing.
See also: conspicuous, make
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

conspicuous by its absence

Also, conspicuous by one's absence. Glaringly obvious by the fact of not being there. For example, One agenda item concerning publicity is conspicuous by its absence, or The bride's father was conspicuous by his absence. The idea is ancient; it was expressed by the Roman writer Tacitus, concerning the absence of Junia's brother and husband at her funeral procession. [Mid-1800s]
See also: absence, by, conspicuous
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

conspicuous by your/its absence

If someone or something is conspicuous by their absence, people notice that they are not there. He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence at the post-match celebrations. Mathematics and science were conspicuous by their absence at the university.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

conspicuous by your absence

obviously not present in a place where you should be.
This phrase was coined by Lord John Russell in a speech made in 1859 . He acknowledged as his source for the idea a passage in Tacitus describing a procession of images at a funeral: the fact that those of Cassius and Brutus were absent attracted a great deal of attention.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

conˌspicuous by your ˈabsence

not present in a situation or place, when it is obvious that you should be there: When it came to cleaning up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

conspicuous by one's (its) absence

Noticeable by the very fact of not being there. The idea was expressed very early on by the Roman historian Tacitus, in recording the absence of Junia’s brother, Brutus, and her husband, Cassius, at her funeral procession. The phrase became popular in the nineteenth century, and continued to be applied often to political matters, such as the absence of certain provisions in a law, or the absence of political leaders on certain important occasions.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous

conspicuous consumption

Showing off one’s material wealth. The term was coined by the American economist Thorstein Veblen in The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), where he roundly criticized the well-to-do (leisure class) for preying on the rest of society and then flaunting their acquisitions. The term, always used as critically as by its author, has become a cliché.
See also: conspicuous
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

conspicuous by its absence

Very obvious through nonattendance. This oxymoron, which goes back to ancient Rome, applies to people or objects that attracted attention because they were expected to be present but weren't. An example would be a close relative who either wasn't invited or chose not to attend a family function. Some literary commentators contend that the phrase has become a cliché, but it's now used so rarely, you may—although at your peril—claim its wit to be your own.
See also: absence, by, conspicuous
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
In a number of studies researchers have shown that patrons/customers who perceive that they have a high level of visibility while consuming the product or service--that is patrons with a high level of face conspicuousness--will pursue conspicuous consumption, and will feel greater status enhancement and social approval than will those with a low level of face conspicuousness (Han & Hyun, 2013; Liao & Wang, 2009).
In Dresser, the court adopted the standard for conspicuousness of documents contained in the Uniform Commercial Code for warranty agreements.
"Something like 10 studies recently have tested the eye-mimicry theory, with most either finding evidence for conspicuousness instead, or producing ambiguous results," he says.
First, previous research on the role of peer influence on products purchase decisions has focused on how it varies across types of products based on conspicuousness [1,6].
As far as the viability of the plants is concerned the cytomixis and syncyte formation are interrelated in the sense that both occur with conspicuousness in the weakest individuals of a species and have been usually found occurring together [18].
This distance was chosen to ensure that detection from different points remained statistically independent [23] and it represented a compromise between sample size and parrot conspicuousness in the dense tropical rainforest.
(20) In this regard, the conspicuousness of the soldiers--however grotesque and absurd they may appear--adds to the oppressiveness of the picture, as well as hinting that the French are a people devoid of freedom, who are subject to military tyranny.
When she has gone, I leave the bag sitting on the table and as I pass and repass it, it grows in its conspicuousness.
(1997) and Araujo (1998) suggest that fish are excellent for this purpose and widely used in assessments on the ecological quality of aquatic habitats, since they are relatively easy to sample given their conspicuousness in these environments.
Conspicuousness may also cause people to associate the activation of a concept with their exposure to priming stimuli instead of the target stimulus.
tasmaniensis is in south-eastern Australia, and the conspicuousness of black leeches on the contrasting white foam nests, that leech predation had not been reported until relatively recently.
Heidegger writes of three specific forms of disruption, or moments of breakdown-and-revelation, which Dasein encounters within circumspective coping, i.e., there are three kinds of disturbances for Heidegger, wherein what is "ready-to-hand," a piece of equipment, becomes, or better, shows itself, as "un-ready-to-hand" in that we are no longer able to use it, and these modes of breakdown-and-revelation are: conspicuousness, obtrusiveness, and obstinacy.
I am certain that any forum I might list as an arena for such debate--and there were many--would not meet Professor Gross's standard of conspicuousness.
Nevertheless, this factor does not abolish the conspicuousness of the N170 face effect.