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Related to constant: Constant term

be a thorn in the side

To be a constant or persistent cause of annoyance, frustration, or trouble. My little brother is such a thorn in the side—he always wants to do stuff with me, especially when I'm trying to hang out with my friends. My professor was an environmental activist when he was younger. Apparently, he was a constant thorn in the side for oil companies back then. This project has turned into a real thorn in the side.
See also: side, thorn

change is the only constant in life

Nothing is permanent. I know you're terrified of change, honey, but actually, people and things change in small ways all the time. Change is the only constant in life. I try to remind myself that change is the only constant in life so that I don't get too attached to whatever plans I've made. I know you're grieving now, but the pain will ease up in time. After all, change is the only constant in life.
See also: change, constant, life

constant dripping wears away a stone

proverb Success is earned through persistence and determination. My swing only got better after I started practicing it every day, so I guess it's true that constant dripping wears away a stone. You can make progress with small actions, you just have to do them consistently. Remember, constant dripping wears away a stone. I know you're frustrated, but you can't give up because constant dripping wears away a stone.

constant dropping wears away a stone

proverb Success is earned through persistence and determination. My swing only got better after I started practicing it every day, so I guess it's true that constant dropping wears away a stone. You can make progress with small actions, you just have to do them consistently. Remember, constant dropping wears away a stone. I know you're frustrated, but you can't give up because constant dropping wears away a stone.

in a (constant) state of flux

Apt to change or fluctuate; prone to instability. A: "No, their wedding plans are in a constant state of flux." B: "Wow, I wonder if they'll actually make it down the aisle." Well, all of our vacation plans are in a state of flux now that Sheila's broken her ankle.
See also: flux, of, state

under pressure

1. Literally, forced through or into some vessel with great compressive force. The contents of this container are under pressure, so do not pierce it or expose it to fire or you could risk triggering an explosion. Crude oil underneath the ground can be under intense pressure, which is why it can erupt into a geyser when drilled into directly.
2. (While) facing or enduring a great amount of stress caused by some compelling or constraining influence. I can't talk now, I'm under pressure to get this done before the end of the day! Sorry, I'm just under so much pressure at work that it's made me rather irritable.
See also: pressure
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Constant dropping wears away a stone,

 and Constant dripping wears away a stone.
Prov. Persistence accomplishes things. Jill: How did you get Fred to give you a raise? Jane: I just kept asking him for it every week. Constant dropping wears away a stone.

*under pressure

1. and *under a deadline; *under the gun (about something) Fig. facing or enduring something such as pressure or a deadline. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) I have to get back to work. I am under a deadline. I am under a lot of pressure lately. The management is under the gun for the mistakes made last year.
2. [of a gas or liquid] being forced, squeezed, or compressed. (*Typically: be ~; deliver something ~; put something ~.) The gas in the pipes leading to the oven are under pressure.
See also: pressure
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

under ˈpressure

1 if a liquid or a gas is kept under pressure, it is forced into a container so that when the container is opened, the liquid or gas escapes quickly
2 being forced to do something: The director is under increasing pressure to resign.
3 made to feel anxious about something you have to do: The team performs well under pressure.
See also: pressure
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Aortic, Peripheral & Venous first quarter revenue of $467 million decreased 0.2 percent as reported or increased 1.7 percent on a constant currency basis.
Revenue in Intelligent Cloud was $9.7 billion and increased 22% (up 24% in constant currency), with the following business highlights:
In the end, Flynn suggested that Constant's license be suspended for five months.
* Dynamics products and cloud services revenue increased 13 per cent (up 15 per cent in constant currency) driven by Dynamics 365 revenue growth of 43 per cent (up 44 per cent in constant currency)
When comparing the fourth quarter with the third quarter of 2018, the economic growth seems to be slightly grown which resulted from the relative decline in the oil production and reduction in crude prices that has resulted in also reducing the oil GDP by 3.4pc and 11.3pc at constant and current prices, respectively.
Guiding for Up to 39% Non-IFRS Cloud Subscription and Support Revenue Growth and Up to 10% Non-IFRS Cloud and Software Revenue Growth in 2019 at Constant Currencies
Dynamics products and cloud services revenue increased 17% (up 14% in constant currency) driven by Dynamics 365 revenue growth of 65% (up 62% in constant currency)
The storefront of Frederique Constant in The Podium.
Many variations of constant force spring are possible over and above the simple increase in size, thickness, diameter etc.
Several teams are using different techniques to zero in on the Planck constant (SN: 9/5/15, p.
By region, Europe, Middle East and Africa revenue fell 2% (up 7% in constant dollars).
(NASDAQ: EIGI) has closed its acquisition of US-based email marketing tool Constant Contact, Inc.
The Albay governor shared photos of certain areas affected by the typhoon through his Facebook page Joey Constant Kindness Salceda, where he also posted details on the ongoing cleanup operations Tuesday by the Team Albay Youth Organizations, PGA, and Philippine Army.