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Related to constant: Constant term


a fact or principle that is not subject to change.
Avogadro's constant Avogadro's number.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A quantity that, under stated conditions, does not vary with changes in the environment.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A quantity that, under stated conditions, does not vary with changes in the environment.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about constant

Q. I have constant pain on my feet more on my bones than anything,do I have arthritis? I do already have plantar fascictis

A. Chronic arthritis is a disease of the elderly and it isn't common to suffer from it in young age, however joint pain or bone pain can be caused by several other reasons, that might not be chronic, such as an infection, excessive physical activity or such. You should see a doctor to evaluate the pain and joint movement. He/ she might send you to do an x-ray to see if there's something they can see that is wrong with the joint or bone (dislocation or fracture).

Q. I have a constant pain in the inside part of my arm. What can it be? In the last few weeks I have noticed that I have a right arm pain. The strange thing is that the pain is in a specific point in the inside part of the arm, very near to the elbow. I thnk the pain started for the first time during a baseball game but I am not sure. I work in a factory and as I sad before I use my right arm for baseball, and this pain hinders me. What can it be?

A. I myself play a lot as a pitcher, and i have the same pain. It is more painful when the forearm is flexed towards the body.
I went to my GP about it because it drove me nuts, and he said that I need to take anti-inflammatory drugs, and if it will not work he will inject me something.
he prescribed me a great medication and I didn't need the injection.

Q. Is it normal for someone with untreated Adult ADHD to have constant, worried thoughts? As a child I was diagnosed with "off the charts" ADHD and took medication which fixed the problem for about 7 years. I ended the medication in junior high and now I am in college. I am no having constant worried thoughts and my mind is always racing. I think this may be the ADHD back now as an adult, would this make sense?

A. Attention Def is often goes hand in hand with Depression. Depression is often missed in diagnosis because the person suggests that they are not sad and don't cry often. Depression might better be described as a feeling of emotional heavyness or pressure without a real reason. This feeling of emotional heavyness is awful and people will try to find reasons to explain why they feel this way so that they can do something about it. Generally, if a person makes a decision about something, such as paying a bill, this heavyness will lift for a while and the person can move on to another thought. When a person is depressed this heavyness is lifted but only for a very short period of time, sometimes only for a few seconds, and the person cannot move on to a new thought. Instead, the tendency is to rethink the same thought over and over to get, although short lived, a bit of emotional releif.

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References in classic literature ?
'Yes,' replied he, slightly averting his face: 'I thought it but civil to take the first opportunity of returning their kind attentions, since they have been so very particular and constant in their inquiries throughout the whole course of my illness.'
But as the variability of the extraordinarily-developed part or organ has been so great and long-continued within a period not excessively remote, we might, as a general rule, expect still to find more variability in such parts than in other parts of the organisation, which have remained for a much longer period nearly constant. And this, I am convinced, is the case.
It would be almost superfluous to adduce evidence in support of the above statement, that specific characters are more variable than generic; but I have repeatedly noticed in works on natural history, that when an author has remarked with surprise that some important organ or part, which is generally very constant throughout large groups of species, has differed considerably in closely-allied species, that it has, also, been variable in the individuals of some of the species.
On the other hand, the points in which species differ from other species of the same genus, are called specific characters; and as these specific characters have varied and come to differ within the period of the branching off of the species from a common progenitor, it is probable that they should still often be in some degree variable,--at least more variable than those parts of the organisation which have for a very long period remained constant.
The cause of the original variability of secondary sexual characters is not manifest; but we can see why these characters should not have been rendered as constant and uniform as other parts of the organisation; for secondary sexual characters have been accumulated by sexual selection, which is less rigid in its action than ordinary selection, as it does not entail death, but only gives fewer offspring to the less favoured males.
Because in such a wilderness of running rigging, whose various different relations aloft cannot always be infallibly discerned by what is seen of them at the deck; and when the deck-ends of these ropes are being every few minutes cast down from the fastenings, it would be but a natural fatality, if, unprovided with a constant watchman, the hoisted sailor should by some carelessness of the crew be cast adrift and fall all swooping to the sea.
The Reader will probably understand from these two instances how -- after a very long training supplemented by constant experience -- it is possible for the well-educated classes among us to discriminate with fair accuracy between the middle and lowest orders, by the sense of sight.
The doors were in constant banging, the stairs were never at rest, nothing was done without a clatter, nobody sat still, and nobody could command attention when they spoke.
According to new report available with Radiant Insights, the global Constant Velocity Joint Market report provides in-depth analysis of market by production, share, size, demand, economic trends, investment feasibility, major key players, SWOT analysis and forecast.
developed market revenue of $2.377 billion represented 32 percent of company revenue and decreased 1.2 percent as reported and increased 2.6 percent on a constant currency basis.
* Office Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 12% (up 14% in constant currency) driven by Office 365 Commercial revenue growth of 30% (up 31% in constant currency)
Some of the alleged misconduct happened while Constant was representing a Kenosha woman in a personal-injury lawsuit.