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1. pertaining to the constitution.
2. affecting the whole constitution of the body; not local.
constitutional disease one involving a system of organs or one with widespread symptoms.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Relating to a body's constitution.
2. General; relating to the system as a whole; not local.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Relating to a body's constitution.
2. General; relating to the system as a whole; not local.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about constitutional

Q. What really constitutes ADD? Don't all kids have short attention spans because they are curious? What I'm saying is. I'm a very curious fellow, so, therefore, I cannot hold my attention to one thing for more than a minute. Does this mean I have ADD?

A. to what you said about how come they didn't have all these problems lots of years ago, I'll have to say it is true the kids today have a lot more stimulations than what kids had a 100 years ago, though, these problems- ADD and ADHD did exist, even with less things around to lose focus to. even about 20 years ago, when the awareness was too small, teachers just called these kids "stupid" or slow, cause they wern't able to listen for a long period of time and then did'nt know what to answer when asked. the awareness helped save lots of very smart focusless kids...

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References in periodicals archive ?
In discussing the role of Indonesia's judicial reviews in the context of protecting fundamental rights under the Constitutional Court jurisdiction, Simon Butt has made an important point.
At the end, I would congratulate Simon Butt for this very valuable contribution to the academic literature on the Constitutional Court in Indonesia.
Theoretical Lessons from the Canadian Constitutional Crisis'.
Hendrianto (2008) From Humble Beginnings to a Functioning Court: The Indonesian Constitutional Court, 2003-2008 (PhD Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle).
Shaw, Jo (2000) 'Process and Constitutional Discourse in the European Union'.
The New Indonesian Constitutional Court: A Study into Its Beginnings andFirst Years of Work.
Unfortunately, the emerging discipline of comparative constitutional law
(3) has largely neglected constitutional mobilization.
the process by which social actors employ constitutional norms and
opportunity refers to the general political and constitutional
environments in which constitutional mobilization operates and to the
particular political and constitutional processes that provoke

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