conserved sequence

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conserved sequence

a NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE in a DNA or RNA molecule or an AMINO ACID SEQUENCE in a PROTEIN that has remained largely unchanged during evolution; the sequence being very similar between many species. Examples include sequences in PROMOTERS, RIBOSOMAL RNA, and in proteins involved in DNA REPLICATION. See also CONSENSUS SEQUENCE.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
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Scrutiny of the deduced amino acid sequence of JT31_10470 revealed the presence of the following conserved sequence elements characteristic of class C [beta]-lactamases: S-X-S-K (positions 85 to 88), Y-A-N (positions 171 to 173), and K-T-G (positions 336 to 338).
Immediately following the second HKD motif, a highly conserved sequence, IGSANINQR, contains an invariant serine residue that was proposed to be the nucleophile attacking the phosphorus atom of substrate phospholipids.
The OfPPOs contain a conserved sequence (ArgPhe-Gly) around the cleavage and activation site: [sup.52][RF.sup.53] in OfPPO1a, [sup.53][RF.sup.54] in OfPPO1b, 51RF52 in OfPPO2, and [sup.52][RF.sup.53] in OfPPO3 (Figure 3(a)).
Sequences required for the activity of PTOX (IMMUTANS), a plastid terminal oxidase: in vitro and in planta mutagenesis of iron-binding sites and a conserved sequence that corresponds to Exon 8.
As described in Section 1, the eukaryotic B-block binding subunits contain four regions with conserved sequence similarities [10], with one of these regions (region II) being the authentic B-block_TFIIIC (Figure 1).
The mtDNA CR domains (57 and 3' hypervariable domain and central conserved region), termination associated sequences (TAS), and conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) were identified by alignment with reference to the previously published M.
In the present study, we have also observed the presence of highly conserved sequence "DG" towards its C-terminus.
The conserved sequence motifs of TACAT and TATA were found in all domestic chicken of Sudan.
After designing the primers from conserved sequence of APN in An.gambiae, we amplified 513 bp sequence with 1F and 2R primers, 1182 bp sequence with 2F and 2R primers and 1229 bp sequence with 3F and 2R primers (Figure 2).
Such an alignment generates a sequence-similarity hierarchy in which the most closely conserved sequence is listed first, thereby identifying the organisms which were most likely growing in the students' houses.
Conserved sequence motifs, alignment, and secondary structure for the third domain of animal 12S rRNA.