conservation biology

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conservation biology

The branch of biology that deals with the effects of humans on the environment and with the conservation of biological diversity.
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Kareiva's testimony in the case helped protect the spotted owl from human encroachment--just as conservation biology's ethic of intrinsic value had called for--but he was discomfited in the Seattle courtroom by all the loggers sitting quietly in the rear, many with their kids on their laps.
We focus on key concepts in conservation biology, such as populations, evolution, extinction, and biological diversity and purity, to demonstrate that acts of truth-telling about nature occur within, and are necessarily shaped by, the context of liberal biopolitical rule.
CONTACTS: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute,; American Humane Association,; American Bird Conservancy,
Why are universities leaning away from applied wildlife management and toward conservation biology? One factor is students enrolling in wildlife type programs are less interested in hunting and more interested in conservation.
Kenneth Oswald also thanks current and former students of HNR101: Conservation and Endangered Species and HNR301: Conservation in Practice at NKU, with special thanks to Emily Spinks, an NKU elementary education major who has taken on a capstone research project in conservation biology.
The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) conducted its 6th International Cheetah Conservation Biology Training Course over the past four weeks.
Scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute have focused on how warming trends in temperate breeding areas disrupt the sensitive ecology of migratory birds.
This week's Horizon addresses a radical new idea in conservation biology: re-wilding.
Advice to those considering the field: "Go to a good school that will provide a foundation in wildlife management, wildlife biology, or conservation biology, to understand basic ecological and scientific principles." Although refuge managers are required to have a science-based degree, the U.S.
The volume will be essential to specialists, but is written to be accessible to graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in a wide range of fields, including conservation biology and evolutionary biology.
Wilmers presented the findings at the annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology in Edmonton, Canada, this month.
Mumtaz Malik, former Chief Conservator NWFP Wildlife Department, has been selected for the prestigious SCBs Distinguished Service Award for his extraordinary contributions to conservation biology, reads a message sent by SCB to Dr.

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