conservative treatment

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1. the management and care of a patient; see also care.
2. the combating of a disease or disorder; called also therapy.
Schematic of the treatment planning process using occupational therapy as an example. From Pedretti and Early, 2001.
active treatment treatment directed immediately to the cure of the disease or injury.
causal treatment treatment directed against the cause of a disease.
conservative treatment treatment designed to avoid radical medical therapeutic measures or operative procedures.
empiric treatment treatment by means that experience has proved to be beneficial.
expectant treatment treatment directed toward relief of untoward symptoms, leaving the cure of the disease to natural forces.
extraordinary treatment a type of treatment that is usually highly invasive and might be considered burdensome to the patient; the effort to decide what is extraordinary raises numerous ethical questions.
fever treatment in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as management of a patient with hyperpyrexia caused by nonenvironmental factors. See also fever.
heat exposure treatment in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as management of a patient overcome by heat due to excessive environmental heat exposure. See also heat stroke.
hypothermia treatment in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as rewarming and surveillance of a patient whose core body temperature is below 35°C. See also hypothermia.
Kenny treatment a treatment formerly used for poliomyelitis, consisting of wrapping of the back and limbs in hot cloths, followed, after pain has subsided, by passive exercise and instruction of the patient in exercise of the muscles. It was named for Sister Elizabeth Kenny, an Australian nurse known for her care of polio patients during the first half of the 20th century.
neurodevelopmental treatment Bobath method.
palliative treatment supportive care.
preventive treatment prophylaxis.
t's and procedures in the omaha system, a term used at the first level of the intervention scheme defined as technical nursing activities directed toward preventing signs and symptoms, identifying risk factors and early signs and symptoms, and decreasing or alleviating signs and symptoms.
treatment and/or procedure a nursing intervention in the nursing minimum data set; action prescribed to cure, relieve, control, or prevent a client problem.
prophylactic treatment prophylaxis.
rape-trauma treatment in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the provision of emotional and physical support immediately following a reported rape.
rational treatment that based upon knowledge of disease and the action of the remedies given.
refusal of treatment see under refusal.
root canal treatment root canal therapy.
specific treatment treatment particularly adapted to the special disease being treated.
substance use treatment in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as supportive care of patient/family members with physical and psychosocial problems associated with the use of alcohol or drugs. See also substance abuse.
substance use treatment: alcohol withdrawal in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the care of the patient experiencing sudden cessation of alcohol consumption. See also alcoholism.
substance use treatment: drug withdrawal in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the care of a patient experiencing drug detoxification. See also substance abuse.
substance use treatment: overdose in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as monitoring, treatment, and emotional support of a patient who has ingested prescription or over-the-counter drugs beyond the therapeutic range. See also overdose.
supporting treatment (supportive treatment) supportive care.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

con·ser·va·tive treat·ment

a course of therapeutic action designed to avoid harm, with less possibility of benefit than more risky actions.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

con·ser·va·tive treat·ment

(kŏn-sĕrvă-tiv trētmĕnt)
Course of therapeutic action designed to avoid harm, with less possibility of benefit than more risky actions.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

conservative treatment

Treatment that avoids extreme or radical measures but that aims to maintain or improve the state of the patient.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
In the case of this patient, we initially tried to use cystoscopy to evacuate blood clots, in the hopes that the catheter would not be occluded, and the conservative treatment would be successful if the blood clots were cleared cystoscopically.
Some authors also have the same conclusion in their studies on conservative treatment of degenerative LSS, but they performed other conservative methods instead of CSE5.
To the authors best knowledge, only small case series exist on axis body fractures and conservative treatment was generally favored [17].
, [sup][10] comparing surgery with conservative treatment of fresh displaced mid-shaft clavicle fracture, suggest that conservative treatment should be the first choice for most patients, and ORIF is highly recommended for patients aged 16-30 years.
Table 1: Nature of abdominal surgeries as a cause of adhesive intestinal obstruction and response to conservative treatment.
So prolonged conservative treatment might be taken into consideration for the patients who do not prefer early surgery in the absence of absolute neurogenic complications secondary to nerve compression.
In cases refractory to conservative treatment, transabdominal embolization may be a good treatment option.
The present study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of gastrografin for the conservative treatment of patients with ASBO and to identify the predictors of failure of conservative treatment in these patients in our center.
After his latest injury suffered on January 23 this year, the medical chiefs favoured "conservative treatment" rather than another operation.In another excerpt from the TV Globo interview, Neymar said he had "cried for two days" after his latest injury setback.
This study revealed that there was no evidence that surgical treatment is superior to conservative treatment or that one particular surgical technique is superior to another.
This time, the club's medical staff has decided on conservative treatment of the fracture rather than another operation.
But patients who get conservative treatment take longer to return to sport, are weaker, and have less confidence in their Achilles tendon.

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