conservation model

conservation model

a conceptual model of nursing, formulated by Myra E. levine, concerned with the maintenance of the person's wholeness. The person is a holistic being, an organism that is a system of systems, and changes through adaptation. Adaptation is facilitated by the fight-or-flight mechanism, inflammatory processes, nonspecific bodily responses to stress, and perceptual awareness as experienced through the basic orienting, visual, auditory, taste-smell, and haptic systems. The environment includes internal and external components: the internal environment manifests homeorhesis, a stabilized flow, in the face of continuous change; the external environment is further divided into perceptual, operational, and conceptual components. The perceptual environment encompasses stimuli that can be perceived by the sense organs. The operational environment encompasses environmental factors that cannot be perceived by the sense organs. The conceptual environment encompasses exchange of language, ability to think, and ability to experience emotions, as well as value systems, religious beliefs, and ethnic and cultural traditions.  Health is characterized as patterns of adaptive change. Adaptation is viewed as a matter of degree; some adaptations are successful, and some are not. Wellness in this model apparently refers to successful adaptation and wholeness. Illness is adaptation to noxious environmental forces, and disease is viewed as undisciplined and unregulated change.  Nursing is a human interaction whose goal is to promote wholeness. The recipient of nursing care is a patient, or a person who is temporarily dependent on the nurse. The patient is viewed as a partner or participant in nursing care. Nursing process is conservation, or keeping together, and is based on both the scientific method and messages given by the patient. Thus the nursing care plan is viewed as a testable hypothesis based on facts that provoke the nurse's attention. Although a specific nursing process is not explicit in Levine's writings, some components can be extracted from her publications. Assessment focuses on the patient's nursing requirements. The primary question is: To what extent is the person adapting successfully or effectively?  trophicognosis, an alternative to nursing diagnosis, is a nursing care judgment. One element of trophicognosis is the establishment of an objective and scientific rationale for nursing care; this includes identifying a basis for implementation of the prescribed medical or paramedical regimens, determining nursing processes demanded by medical treatment, and identifying the basis for implementation of the unique nursing needs of the patient. The second element is the implementation of nursing care. Nursing intervention is structured according to four conservation principles, including conservation of the patient's energy, conservation of the patient's structural integrity, conservation of the patient's personal integrity, and conservation of the patient's social integrity. Nursing interventions based on the conservation principles may be therapeutic, as when nursing intervention has a favorable influence on adaptation, or supportive, as when intervention can only maintain the status quo or fails to halt a downward course.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The release, the latest effort in the IFHC's Proactive Intervention Conservation Model to secure a sustainable future for the vulnerable bustard, a mainstay of UAE wildlife, took place at the Telal Resort in Al Ain.
'Rather than respecting the land rights of the Sengwer people of Embobut Forest, and the Ogiek of Mount Elgon and Mau and working with them as partners in conservation, the Government is forging ahead with an outdated fortress conservation model. Entrusting the forests to the Kenya Forest Service alone will not keep Kenya's forests and water towers safe' said Houghton, Executive Director of Amnesty International Kenya.
The objective of present study is to highlight the distribution, threats and population status of freshwater turtles and to provide a conservation model for securing their survival and conservation.
With the Connected Conservation model, the technology is designed to proactively protect the land against humans.
Dimension Data said with the Connected Conservation model,
When we first entered the business, we were huge down in Atlanta, Georgia, and now that area has pretty much gotten to a self-sustaining water conservation model. In Southern California, it's been a steep roller coaster.
PARK RANGERSbrThe model includes the fortress conservation model, which Kenya has pursued since colonial times and is embodied in our forestry laws and policies, and the participatory one, common to pre-colonial Africa and retained by several countries on the continent.While the participatory model allows communities to provide stewardship over common pool resources, the fortress one seeks to create, secure and reserve wide swathes of wildernesses exclusively for flora and fauna and frowns on human and communities' interaction with such spaces.
The Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management in the Atlantic Forest of Eastern Paraguay project, commonly referred to as the Paraguay Biodiversity Project, was designed to serve as Paraguay's first conservation model to use a landscape management approach based on a biodiversity corridor to support the restoration of the Atlantic Forest.
It is hard to argue with the success of the Bubye Valley Conservancy and its contribution to actual wildlife conservation; in so many ways, this is the conservation model that most of the wildlife areas left in Africa should follow.
The concluding chapter ponders what has been lost with the move away from the conservation model, where forests were managed by professional foresters for multiple purposes.
Our efforts will help advance on-the-ground projects that refine the cooperative conservation model and test the model in areas where farmers and ranchers face unique challenges.

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