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Denoting treatment by gradual, limited, or well-established procedures, as opposed to radical.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(1) Referring to a diagnosis rendered from imaging studies or pathology that is at the lower end of a spectrum of possible diagnoses; or
(2) Referring to that which is not aggressive (e.g., conservative therapy), experimental or innovative; excessively high (e.g., conservative estimation of data); or radical (e.g., conservative surgery).
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Denoting treatment by gradual, limited, or well-established procedures, as opposed to radical.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Denoting treatment by gradual, limited, or well-established procedures, as opposed to radical.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
In the most recent case, the IRS audited the individual defined benefit plans of 12 businesses and challenged the conservative actuarial assumptions used to compute deductible contributions.
Conservatives must redefine the policy agenda, as we have done before.
JARVIS Anthony Peter, Independence Party UKIP MUNROE Sue, Labour Party SNARTT David, The Conservative Party TIPTON Kate, Liberal Democrats.
Shelley: Bill Armer (Conservative), Ray Bray (Conservative), Tricia Moores (Green).
Fifteen states -- scattered throughout the South, Midwest and West -- make up a highly conservative group, with net-conservative scores of +20 or higher.
We environmentalists ought to reclaim the word conservative and use it proudly to describe our movement.
In the 105th Congress (1997-1999), he had a DW-NOMINATE score of -0.33 and was the 82nd most conservative Democrat out of a total of 211 Democrats.
Some conservatives accuse libertarians of treating all shared values or conventions with contempt.
"While some place blame on President Bush's policy of 'staying file course' in the war in Iraq," wrote Moore in a Washington Times op-ed, "the real reason for the success of the Democratic Party is that many Republicans have 'strayed from the course' of conservative Christian leadership exemplified by President Reagan.
Didn't Bush squander a lot of political capital precisely on fiscally conservative schemes such as privatization?