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(one's) daily constitutional

A walk taken to enhance one's health, usually done every day. Harold and I are going out for our daily constitutional—care to join us? If you're stressed, exercise might be help. Why don't you come with me on my daily constitutional? Grandma swears by her daily constitutional and believes it's the reason why she doesn't have to use a walker.


A walk, usually done regularly, to enhance one's health. Harold and I are going out for our nightly constitutional—care to join us? Mom's out on her constitutional, but she should be back soon. Is there anything I can help you with? I don't need to join some fancy gym or take up an intense workout regimen. A daily constitutional is all I need to feel good!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. the first drink or dose of drugs of the day. (see also breakfast of champions.) He downed a constitutional and made ready to set out for the office.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
of identifying constitutional problems and proposing constitutional
solutions and involves invocation of constitutional language, ideas,
the form of state actors who play the influential role in constitutional
Constitutional change is understood as multiple concepts which
political leaders to engage in a popular, national constitutional
dialogue, which results in reformative and cultural constitutional
Vietnamese are experimenting with constitutional law in ways that
Chinese citizens cannot initiate a national constitutional dialogue as
constitution-making to mobilize a national constitutional dialogue,
constitutional analysis; the Vietnamese Catholic bishops; and civil
tolerated the vehement constitutional mobilization but also engaged in
an open (albeit controlled) constitutional dialogue with their citizens.
domestic constitutional politics may be viewed as an example for the
I directly participated in the process of constitutional
exchange with constitutional intellectuals involved in mobilization,
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