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However, the human visual system still recognizes the object because of color constancy. For example, the borders of traffic signs in road images are perceived as red regardless of whether it is daytime or nighttime.
It is apparent from Table 1 that all measures, with the exception of SMTQ Constancy scale (a=0.55), demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency and may thus be included in further analyses.
Kierkegaard's Repetition (1983) could also provide us with some useful pointers with regards to constancy as well as repetition.
A colour constancy algorithm was proposed that extends the GE framework.
Plato, for example, first brought together in a systematic way the ancient distinction between constancy (principally a Parmenidean influence) and change (principally a Heraclitean influence) and defined the work of philosophy ever since.
It follows from this that our inherited cortical architecture is universally open to individual and cultural variation, the reciprocal interactions between cortical regions produce provisional configurations of constancy, and the symmetries and resonances of cortical parallel processing can manifest themselves in different kinds of phenomena (there may be limits to what the auditory system can assimilate).
She also pointed out the importance of using a clear communication language, which is suitable for the age of the child, in addition to a constancy in dealing with children, encouraging them, and using the positive punishment, as well as providing support when needed.
Key statement: The degree of tire wear is estimated with constancy and accuracy even when the road surface becomes rough during a vehicular run.
You stuck-up expat women cannot walk round a shop without having your phone constancy stuck to your ear and expect the staff to run around and do all your work!
CORRECTIONS: In the November article "The Constancy of Crony Capitalism," Veronique de Rugy wrote that the energy firm First Solar received "$1 million in job training grants, and the Ohio Department of Energy extended another $5 million in loans." The article incorrectly attributed to First Solar some of the state subsidies other Ohio solar companies received.