Constance Garnett

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Garnett, Constance


Born Dec. 19, 1862, in Brighton; died Dec. 18, 1946, in London. English translator of Russian literature. Wife of the critic E. Garnett.

Garnett studied at Cambridge University, and she participated in the activities of the Fabian Society. In the early 1890’s she became close to the Russian revolutionary emigré circles in London (S. M. Stepniak-Kravchinskii and P. A. Kropotkin and, later, V. I. Zasulich and V. N. Figner). In 1894 and 1904 she came to Russia and visited L. N. Tolstoy and V. G. Korolenko. Her first translation was A Common Story, by I. A. Goncharov (1894). She translated into English the collected works of I. S. Turgenev (1894-99), N. V. Gogol (1922-28), F. M. Dostoevsky (1912-16), and A. P. Chekhov (1916-22), the novels of L. N. Tolstoy (1901-02), and My Past and Thoughts, by A. I. Herzen (1924-27)—about 70 volumes in all.


Tove, A. “Konstantsiia Garnet—perevodchik i propagandist russkoi literatury.” Russkaia literatura, 1958, no. 4.
Korolenko, V. G. “K. Garnet i S. M. Stepniak-Kravchinskii (publikatsiia A. Khrabrovitskogo).” Russkaia literatura, 1962, no. 4.
Heilbrun, C. G. The Garnett Family. London, 1961.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Gospel in Tolstoy is entirely in English translation; most of the translations are the public domain renditions by Tolstoy's contemporaries and collaborators, Constance Garnett, Louise Maude, and Aylmer Maude.
In the words of Constance Garnett, who translated the book into English in 1894, "Tolstoy disdains all attempt to captivate the reader ...
Among Davison's goals in her five-chapter study is that of illuminating the difference in concerns of these writer-translators from those of their peers, such as Constance Garnett, suggesting that their co-translations not only influenced their own modernist project but also anticipated contemporary translation theory.
Constance Garnett, NY: Modern Library, 1943, 308-9).
David ("Bunny" to the Lawrences and other friends) was the son of Edward and Constance Garnett, who both played important roles in Lawrence's life--Edward Garnett was instrumental in seeing Sons and Lovers published.
Tolstoy in the Words of Constance Garnett ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]).
"Rosa Newmarch became the great educator of the British public in Russian music--a function comparable to that of Constance Garnett ...
Even the adaptation, by Brook stalwart Marie-Helene Estienne, feels elemental, compared to the more elegant Constance Garnett version.
IN ADDITION TO PEVEAR-VOLOKHONSKY AND Briggs, the Constance Garnett translation from 1904 is available to today's readers, published by Modern Library Classics.
Woolf's Bloomsbury was connected to such 1880s radicalism through the translator Constance Garnett and the circle of 'Neo-Pagans' whose parents had followed the 'religion of socialism' at the turn of the century.
The translator who made the English-speaking world appreciate the greats of Russian literature, Constance Garnett, is known to have tidied up passages of Dostoyevsky she considered badly written, and her work was loathed by Vladimir Nabokov, who was fluent in both Russian and English.
Constance Garnett [Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982], 90).