Constant de Rebecque, Henri Benjamin

Constant, Benjamin

Constant, Benjamin (Henri Benjamin Constant de Rebecque) (äNrēˈ bäNzhämăNˈ kôNstäNˈ də rəbĕkˈ), 1767–1830, French-Swiss political writer and novelist, b. Lausanne. His affair (1794–1811) with Germaine de Staël turned him to political interests. He accompanied her to Paris in 1795 and served (1799–1801) as a tribune under the first consul, Napoleon. When Mme de Stäel was expelled (1802), however, he went into exile with her, spending the following 12 years in Switzerland and Germany. In 1813 he published a pamphlet attacking Napoleon and urging constitutional government and civil liberties. On Napoleon's return from Elba, however, Constant accepted office under him. After Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo and the restoration of the Bourbons, Constant continued his political pamphleteering, calling for a constitutional monarchy. He served (1819–22, 1824–30) in the chamber of deputies. Constant gained a great reputation as a liberal publicist, and his funeral (shortly after the July Revolution, 1830, which he had supported) was the occasion for great demonstrations. His most important work, the introspective and semiautobiographical novel, Adolphe (1816, tr. 1959), is highly regarded for its style. Parts of his correspondence and journals have been published, the latter as Le Journal intime (1887–89) and Le Cahier rouge [the red notebook] (1907). The discovery of an unfinished novel, Cécile (1951; tr. 1953), has contributed to a new appreciation of Constant's literary merit.


See R. Weingarten, Germaine de Staël and Benjamin Constant: A Dual Biography (2008); studies by H. Nicolson (1949), W. W. Holdheim (1961), and D. Wood (1987).

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Constant de Rebecque, Henri Benjamin


Born Oct. 25, 1767, in Lausanne; died Dec. 8, 1830, in Paris. French writer, publicist, and political figure.

During the French Revolution, Constant opposed both the royalists and the Jacobins. In 1796 he supported the Directory. From 1799 to 1802 he was a member of the Tribunate. He lived in exile from 1803 to 1814, returning to France in 1814, after the restoration of the Bourbons. However, during the Hundred Days (1815) Napoleon I entrusted him with the task of preparing amendments to the constitution. In 1819, Constant was elected to the Chamber of Deputies. During the July Revolution of 1830 he helped bring Louis Philippe to the throne. In 1830 he was appointed president of the council of state.

Constant’s autobiographical novel, Adolphe (London, 1815; Paris, 1816; Russian translation, 1831, 1932, 1959), brought him fame as a writer and as the creator of a model of the romantic hero, a “child of the epoch.” The novel was highly thought of by A. S. Pushkin, who wrote that “B. Constant was the first to introduce this character.” Constant developed bourgeois liberal ideas in his political works; he considered the ideal in state structure to be a constitutional monarchy along English lines. Liberal tendencies are also evident in his works On Religion (vols. 1–5, 1824–31) and Roman Polytheism (vols. 1–2, published 1833).


Oeuvres. Text edited and annotated by A. Roulin. Paris, 1957.


“Russkaia kul’tura i Frantsiia.” In Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 31–32, vol. 2; 33–34, vol. 3. Moscow, 1937–39.
France, A. “B. Konstan—“Adol’f.” Sobr. soch., vol. 8. Moscow, 1960.
Bastid, P. B. Constant et sa doctrine, vols. 1–2. [Paris, 1966.]
Poulet, G. B. Constant par lui-même. Paris, 1968. (Ecrivains de toujours.)


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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