conspicuous consumption

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conspicuous consumption

a term coined by VEBLEN to help define the characteristics of the LEISURE CLASS. Rather than consuming goods or services for their utility, Veblen suggests that some consumption is for show alone, i.e. the demonstration of one's social STATUS. This idea has been re-examined in the work of Fred Hirsch (1977) on POSITIONAL GOODS, and by BOURDIEU (1984a).
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
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The originator of the idea of "conspicuous consumption," Veblen published his seminal work The Theory of the Leisure Class in 1899.
African leaders usually export conspicuous consumption to the international stage.
The model proposed in the study was realised by employing five individual cultural dimensions as independent variables affecting conspicuous consumption of consumers through brand consciousness.
Conspicuous consumption is a behavior consumers exercise when they want to display their financial prowess [12].
Conspicuous consumption has become a widely practiced aspect of daily life (Currid-Halkett, 2014).
This approach to storytelling challenges the journalism model, which, for a century, has been subsumed under a market economy philosophy, priming conspicuous consumption. Now storytelling requires mindful thinking and practice.
This is the season for indulgence shopping, gifting and conspicuous consumption. First to kick-off the festive season sale frenzy, is LeEco's e-commerce marketplace, that is raising the curtain on this festive season by holding its one-day shopping jamboree for Superfans and gadget freaks.
This can only be achieved by restoring local government funding through fundamental changes to our tax system with local income tax replacing council tax, topped up in deprived regions by central government with taxes on expenditure of the wealthiest in their conspicuous consumption which is such a feature of our increasingly unequal society.
They also provide evidence of conspicuous consumption as a mechanism for this causal relationship.
With this novel, Cain points to the alienation that results from a society he understands to be increasingly driven by a dangerous conspicuous consumption. As twentieth-century capitalism moved away from notions of production to meet scarcity or need, it engendered a new American consumption in which one's sense of self and purpose is tied to what one buys.
Descriptions of the Italian architecture and scenery lend ambiance and credence: the landscape and conspicuous consumption reflected in Connecticut, circa 2007, is fleshed out as well.
The Bling King: With low knowledge about luxury yet a high desire to impress, this segment is all about conspicuous consumption and sees luxury as a status symbol.