constant element

constant element

[′kän·stənt ′el·ə·mənt]
(industrial engineering)
Under a specified set of conditions, an element for which the standard time allowance should always be the same.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in classic literature ?
But the dining out, being, as I have stated, a constant element, does not in the least affect a comparative statement like this.
Experiences become a constant element of navigation on the site, also highlighting all the best-kept secrets that are loved by locals.
"And 'rights talk' has become a constant element of our domestic political discourse, without any serious effort to distinguish what rights mean and where they come from."
According to one of the volume's editors, Willem van der Molen, the Ramayana and Mahabharata have been a "constant element amidst change, resisting the threat of oblivion" (p.
Smith, the curmudgeonly frontman of The Fall whose ranting vocal style was the post-punk band's most constant element over four decades, died Wednesday, his manager said.
"The national day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a proud occasion for the country," he said, adding that "The history of Saudi Arabia is full of achievements as the constant element of advancement is development," he said.
What's the one constant element that's in all of Incantation's releases since the beginning?
"What gets us really in shape is the constant element of danger forcing us to react quicker--it is a unique strength!" says Joseph.
(5), the assumption of constant element thickness t and the transformation of the differential ds into the local coordinate system (ds = L/2 x d[xi], -1 [less than or equal to] [xi] [less than or equal to] 1) lead to:
Continuing his inductive process, Pareto observed another distinction: between elements of a theory--an element that was a constant, a, and a "deductive element that was designed to explain, justify, demonstrate, the constant element." Pareto uses a deductive method to investigate the possible consequences of the modeled principles--the constant element a and the deductive element b.
Model elements B t P value constant element 77.964 16.385 0.00 skepticism 1.597 5.525 0.00 General results of model Model elements R [R.sup.2] F P value constant element 0.407 0.165 3.521 0.00 skepticism Table 3: The result summary of examination of H2.

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