constant instruction

constant instruction

[′kän·stənt in¦strək·shən]
(computer science)
A nonexecutable instruction.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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His refusing the papal palace, his focus on the poor, and his constant instruction for clergy at all levels to shun the trappings of privilege that have accrued to their station in life, for example, all show that his intent has been reform of the culture.
The required skillset for a design engineer is an open mind, a strong work ethic, and the ability to work independently without constant instruction and supervision.
The two Libertyville catchers have been able to improve and perfect their abilities behind the plate over their young careers thanks to the constant instruction and guidance of a true expert in the field.
"Be kind whenever possible" is the constant instruction of the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.
And instead of constant instruction, it is better to simply supply a word of advice or a small suggestion now and then.
A constant instruction is "high kicks, keep your chests up, ladies, and keep smiling," she said.
Otherwise, they'll become too dependent on you for constant instruction and hesitate to be spontaneous.
Many laypeople have already cultivated their own capacity for moral discernment; they have exercised their God-given gift of conscience; they have managed to grow spiritually without the institutional church's constant instruction; they have found that their relationships, which the bishops would label "irregular," are, in fact.
We're inclined to believe the myth - all too frequently perpetuated by a nannying government which claims to know us better than we know ourselves - that we're a nation totally driven by consumerism and trivia and so obsessed with our own problems we need constant instruction on how to conduct our lives.
They are also in line with his constant instructions to ministries and officials to complete projects according to schedule and according to the highest quality, which have contributed significantly to the progress boom the kingdom is currently witnessing.
They are also in line with his constant instructions to ministries and officials to complete projects according to schedule, and according to the highest quality levels so as to reflect positively on the citizens' daily life, which contributed significantly to the progress boom the kingdom is currently witnessing.

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