constant term

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constant term

[′kän·stənt ′tərm]
A term that does not contain a variable. Also known as absolute term.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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They differ in terms of how the constant term is described.
In the models with first differences, the constant term of regression is also subject to interpretation and it represents a time trend, i.e., the dynamics of a dependent variable due to factors other than the ones included in the model.
Recall from above that the constant term 4 appeared by multiplying ab.
The estimated constant term (a) is found by entering =INDEX(LINEST(C2:C13,B2:B13),2) into a different cell.
For Maxwell's electromagnetic equations ([PSI] = [[phi].sub.0]), the constant terms are
More specifically, we regress inflation (measured by core PCE inflation), the unemployment rate, and our measure of the shadow rate on a constant term and lagged values of inflation, the unemployment rate, and the shadow rate.
(10.) It should be noted that this is true also for the estimated coefficient of the constant term, the accuracy of which is of considerable importance when trade flows are predicted.
Our GKD generates a unique polynomial of degree one for each member, and the group key is stored at the constant term of the polynomial.
Fitting Compression of Double Exponential Model with Constant Term. During the experiment, we also found that a double exponential decay model with a constant term h, which is a correction parameter, can further improve the fitting accuracy with remarkably reduced fitting error.
In the operational cost we consider a constant term [c.sub.0] and a variable term that grows with the size of the vehicle, [c.sub.1] [V.sup.i].

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