constant angular velocity

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constant angular velocity

(CAV) A disk driving scheme in which the angular velocity of the disk is kept constant. This means that the linear velocity of the disk be larger when the reading or writing the outer tracks. The disadvantage of this technique is that the read/write speed varies from track to track. However, as mechanical stability puts an upper limit on the angular velocity (and not the linear velocity) this allows the full potential of the drive is used.
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CAV stands for Constant Angular Velocity, and means that the disc is read/written at a constantly increasing speed.
The DV-516E supports both standard 12cm and mini 8cm discs and the unit's Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) capabilities optimize the drive's throughput and reliability by rotating the disc at a consistent speed.
The new CRW-F1 also features the jitter suppressing Full-CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) writing technology, the adaptation of which enables the Yamaha CRW-F1 to burn a full 80-minute CD-R disc in just 163 seconds, quicker than any 48X CD-Recorder using the conventional Zone-CLV speed shifting technology, while guaranteeing impeccable quality, playback reliability and a longer life expectancy.
So manufacturers started tweaking the relationship between their drives' constant linear velocity (CLV) and constant angular velocity (CAV) functions, and have thereby pushed rewriting up to 8X and 12X.
THIS scsi drive from Teac is one of a number of emerging drives that use Partial CAV (constant angular velocity) to achieve improved data- transfer rates.
The Goldstar 16Xmax CD-ROM drives feature a Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) and Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) rotation method, which provides lower power consumption and less vibration, improving performance, according to the company.
This hysteresis loop is generated at a constant angular velocity, as is the sinusoidal curve.
To isolate and quantify the deleterious effect of the erroneous rotation interpretation on the angular orientation accuracy, we consider, in Section 3, an ideal 3D gyroscope and a simple rotation at a constant angular velocity around a fixed rotation axis.
Static loading driving moment [M.sub.z]([omega]) by constant angular velocity [n.sub.d] = 1 000 [min.sup.-1], was used in this load state.

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