Constantine II

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Constantine II

, Roman emperor
Constantine II, 316–40, Roman emperor, son of Constantine I. When the empire was divided at the death (337) of Constantine I, among the brothers Constantius II, Constans I, and Constantine II, Constantine II received Britain, Gaul, and Spain. Maintaining that he had been cheated, he demanded some of the territory given Constans I. In an invasion of Italy intended to win some of that territory, he was killed in an ambush.

Constantine II

, king of Greece
Constantine II, 1940–2023, king of the Hellenes; also known as Constantine XIII. He was appointed regent in 1964 and succeeded to the throne the same year on the death of his father, King Paul. In 1967, after a military junta had seized political power in Greece, Constantine made an abortive attempt to overthrow the generals. When the coup failed, he and his family fled into exile. The junta declared him formally deposed in June, 1973, and established a republic. In Dec., 1974, after the overthrow of the junta, the Greek voters chose not to restore the monarchy. Constantine was stripped of his Greek citizenship in 1994. In 2002 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Greece had to compensate the former king for property nationalized after the royal family fled the country.
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References in periodicals archive ?
The walls were restored and extended by the Roman emperor Constantine II in 349 A.C.
The battle came at a time when there were two kings, Constantine II commander of the northern coalition of tribes and the Anglo Saxon Athelstan from the South.
They simply kicked out King Constantine II for supporting the colonels whose coup turned the country into a dictatorship from 1967 to 1974.
1951: MargaretRoberts married Denis Thatcher.1967: A military coup replaced the monarchy in Greece, sending King Constantine II into exile.
Alsao featured are Constantine II, former King of Greece, John Gibson, former Royal footman, naval contemporaries Lord Lewin and Admiral William O'Brien, and Charles de Haes, former director of the World Wide Fund for Nature.
In neighbouring Greece, King Constantine II tried to protect his country from tyrants.
Spenser closes his Roman Britain section with a final allusion to the humanist history, in his treatment of the all-important figure of Constantine II - Arthur's grandfather (stanzas 62-63).
He died in 1964, and was succeeded by the glamorous and charismatic Constantine II who married the eighteen-year-old Princess Anne Marie of Denmark within the year.
( Queen Sophia of Spain and the former King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie of Greece had arrived earlier in the week in order to celebrate the occasion.
Diyarbakyr's fortress was built in 349, during the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine II, out of basalt.