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Consolidation may refer to:

In science and technology

  • Consolidation (computing), the act of linkage editing in computing
  • Memory consolidation, the process in the brain by which recent memories are crystallised into long-term memory
  • Pulmonary consolidation, a clinical term for solidification into a firm dense mass
  • Consolidation (soil), a geological process whereby a soil decreases in volume
  • Consolidation, a popular name of a steam locomotive type, with 2-8-0 wheel, built first in 1864
  • Semiconductor consolidation
  • Ultrasonic consolidation

In economics

  • Consolidation (business), the mergers or acquisitions of many smaller companies into much larger ones
    • Consolidation (media), consolidation of United States media into a few companies
  • Debt consolidation, the process of combining two or more loans into one big loan
  • Consolidated financial statement

Other uses

  • Championship consolidation, the act of combining two separate championships into a single title
  • Democratic consolidation, the process by which a new democracy matures
  • Federal student loan consolidation
  • Joinder, the consolidation of multiple legal cases
  • Land consolidation, the process that consolidates small fragmented parcels of land into larger contiguous plots
  • Municipal consolidation, the act of merging two or more municipalities to form a single new one
  • Urban consolidation

See also

  • Consolidation bill
  • Consolidation ratio
  • Consolidated city–county, a consolidation of city and county governments used by some United States cities
  • Consolidator (disambiguation)
  • Likud, a conservative Israeli political party whose name is Hebrew for "Consolidation"
  • All pages with titles containing Consolidation
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