
Consolization is the process of modifying an arcade video game board for use on a standard television set. The resulting unit is known as a "consolized" system. The process is a self-contained alternative to using a SuperGun, a device which allows you to connect a Jamma arcade board to a standard television.

A popular candidate for consolization is the Neo Geo MVS system, because it has interchangeable game cartridges. Other arcade systems have followed, including PGM and Atomiswave. Theoretically, any arcade PCB with RGB output can be consolized.

Typical components used in the process of consolization include:

  • Arcade PCB board. (Often Jamma standard, but not necessarily.)
  • Video encoder - To convert the arcade board's RGB signal to a standard compatible with a standard television, such as NTSC. PAL consolizations are typically easier, since the RGB signal can be directly fed into most PAL TV's by means such as SCART. Popular RGB to NTSC converters are Jrok and Neobitz.
  • Power supply - Similar to an arcade power supply used to power an arcade cabinet or other.
  • Controllers/controller ports - Often, but not always, made compatible with Neo Geo joysticks using standard PC joystick connectors for simplicity. Some Neo Geo MVS boards have the controller ports built-in so this step isn't necessary.

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