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console (one) on (something)

To comfort or soothe one about a distressing topic or occurrence. I think you'll have a hard time consoling her on that lost account, considering all the hard work she put into it. I'm trying to console my daughter on the loss of her beloved teddy bear, but nothing I've said has helped thus far. Nick didn't get into his dream school? Oh man, how are we going to console him on that rejection?
See also: console, on

console (someone or oneself) with (something)

To comfort or soothe someone with a particular thing or method. After my daughter lost her beloved teddy bear, I tried to console her with other toys, but nothing has helped thus far. It's not the healthiest idea to console yourself with sweets. A: "Come on in, I'm consoling myself by burning or throwing out everything that jerk ever gave me!" B: "Oh dear. So the breakup is still very fresh, huh?"
See also: console
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

console someone on something

to comfort someone about something. I want to console you on your recent loss. They consoled Fred on the continuing difficulties he was having.
See also: console, on

console someone with something

to use something to comfort someone. We consoled her with a sympathy card and flowers. He sat down and consoled himself with a beer or two.
See also: console
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
It's half a joke, someone will explain consolingly, and everyone misses.
Hopefully we can solve that issue (the box, not his bum)." It was at that point runner-up Sebastien Vettel consolingly rubbed his shoulder, to which sharp-as-a-tack Button quipped: "I'll get you stroking it (the buttock) later Sebastien, don't wor r y." Last Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix winner Vettel, who for now seems to be Button's closest challenger, turned a bright shade of red at that point.
Hopefully we can solve that issue (the box, not his bum)." It was at that point runner-up Sebastien Vettel consolingly rubbed his shoulder, to which sharp-as-a-tack Button quipped: "I'll get you stroking it (the buttock) later Sebastien, don't worry." Last Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix winner Vettel, who for now seems to be Button's closest challenger, turned a bright shade of red at that point.
Diane's selfhood first disappears into her consolingly fantasized performances of the images she has consumed at the movies; once the screen is dismantled, confronting her with the real memory of her failure as an actress and her responsibility for Camilla's murder, she disappears into madness and suicide.
"Of course he does," we reassure them consolingly, and launch a discussion about how to achieve reliability--getting your dog to do what you ask of him anywhere, anytime, under any conditions.
"He has an outstanding record in one-day cricket and he'll feature heavily in the Twenty20," Maddy said consolingly. Carter, Bell and Vaughn van Jaarsveld will all come into contention if Warwickshire reach the final.
Winnicott speaks consolingly about mothers not having to be perfect but just "good enough".
lover's disappearance: When a still older lady consolingly suggests
"I'll be going up in the morning," he said consolingly. But I had no money in my thin wallet for a motel room.
But, he added consolingly, 'a railway, built by British enterprise, [...] holds out hopes of a return to commercial importance'.
Perhaps these seemed consolingly close to the domestic arts of sewing practised by European women.