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Processes by which loose, soft, or liquid earth become coherent and firm.
Adjustment of a saturated soil in response to increased load; involves squeezing of water from the pores and a decrease in void ratio.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. The compaction of freshly placed concrete or mortar, usually by vibration, centrifugation, or tamping, to mold it within forms and around embedded parts and reinforcement and to eliminate voids other than entrained air. Also see compaction.
2. The process whereby soil particles are packed more closely by the application of continued pressure.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Meanwhile, a small cohort study about consolidative radiotherapy reported the long-term clinical benefit of consolidative radiotherapy after chemotherapy (the prescribed dose ranged from 50 to 60 Gy) for nodal recurrences of UUT-UC treated with RNU [19].
A CT scan performed after four cycles of chemotherapy with the combination of cisplatinum and pemetrexed revealed left-sided pleural effusion, a consolidative mass with bronchovascular bundle, and septal thickening, suggesting lung parenchymal involvement and the lymphatic spread of the tumor (Figures 2(a) and 2(b)).
The imaging pattern of OP is heterogeneous, but the most common pattern is scattered consolidative opacities in a bilateral and peripheral distribution (Figure 3 and 4).
Consolidative transactions supply occasions for shared benefits (numerous matters are bargained that are appreciated dissimilarly by the concerned participants).
CT chest showed consolidative opacity in the posterolateral left upper lobe with areas of cavitation suggesting necrosis along with small cavitary lesion in the right upper lobe (see Figure 2).
Over the past decade, systemic chemotherapy combined with focal consolidative treatment has gained popularity as the initial treatment of choice for retinoblastoma, due to the benefits of globe preservation and the potential to maintain some functional vision--an important factor given the long remaining lifespan of retinoblastoma survivors [1,2].
I do expect another rise to 100.55 after completing the current consolidative price action.
The acquisition of Mosselprom is in line with Cherkizovo's development strategy, including both organic and consolidative growth.
(1) CT scans may reveal bilateral or focal ground-glass or consolidative changes, as well as (less commonly) well-defined solitary or multiple nodules measuring up to 3 cm in diameter,8 which makes CT also poor at differentiating between PCP and CMV infection.
Sleep is thought to be restorative, conservative, adaptive, thermoregulatory and memory consolidative functions.
The CT scan of the chest was remarkable for an extensive nonspecific consolidative process predominately in the lower lobes suggestive of pleural effusion (Figure 1).