Brookings Institution

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Brookings Institution

Brookings Institution, at Washington, D.C.; chartered 1927 as a consolidation of the Institute for Government Research (est. 1916), the Institute of Economics (est. 1922), and the Robert S. Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government (est. 1924). Its accepts no private contracts for social science research, but does accept government contracts if the findings may be made public. The institution helps scholars study contemporary economic, governmental, and international problems by financing research projects and publishing their findings.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Wilder made the comments at a Brookings Institution forum to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the TRA on Monday.
(The Brookings Institution's recently launched CHAMPS program aspires to find policies that will help with these goals.
Brookings Institution communications director Elizabeth Sablich added, "Should we ever get to a point when Sourcelist is no longer needed-when Rolodexes are filled with the names of women and other diverse individuals who get called just as frequently as men-then it will have done its job."
After her last day at the Fed on Friday, she will start a new job on Monday at the Brookings Institution. The Washington think tank announced that Yellen will be joining the institution's Hutchins Centre on Fiscal and Monetary Policy as a distinguished fellow in residence.
Corporation (US); Brookings Institution (US); Chatham House (UK) and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), US are the top five TTs in this category.
Brookings Institution (US); and Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (US) are the top five TTs in this category.
At MIPIM 2016 the program will include a session titled, 'Innovation districts: a new urban development model emerging in the United States', co-organized with the Brookings Institution and panel sponsor Lennar International.
However, with its effective campaign in Syria, Moscow has once again proved these experts wrong, the Brookings Institution said.
It is organized by the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. interactives/2014/concentrated-poverty#/M19820
These authors present their ideas for Cuba's economic reforms as part of a series of expert workshops on Cuban economic change in comparative perspective organized by the Foreign Policy Latin America Initiative at the Brookings Institution and the University of Havana's Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy and the Center for the Study of the International Economy.

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