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Related to Cementation: Cementation process


The setting of a plastic material.
Plugging a cavity or drill hole with cement. Also known as dental work.
Consolidation of loose sediments or sand by injection of a chemical agent or binder.
The precipitation of a binding material around minerals or grains in rocks.
High-temperature impregnation of a metal surface with another material.
Conversion of wrought iron into steel by packing layers of bars in charcoal sealed with clay and heating to 1000°C for 7-10 days.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in construction, the consolidation of soils, rocks, and stone or concrete masonry by injecting a cement solution or suspension into voids, cracks, or pores. The process is used to strengthen the beddings of structures; to provide seepage barriers; and to waterproof rocks in tunnels, mine shafts, and stone and concrete masonry, as well as to reduce the porosity of such masonry.



in nonferrous metallurgy, a hydrometallurgical process based on the displacement of the more electropositive metals from solutions of their compounds by less electropositive metals in the solid state. For example, the normal electrode potential of copper is +0.344 volts, and that of zinc is –0.762 volts; the difference between the potentials makes it possible to obtain the reaction Cu2+solution + Znmetal → Zn2+solution + Cumetal. The greater the difference in potentials, the lower the content of precipitated metal that will remain in the solution. Cementation is extensively used to remove impurities from solutions and to recover metals from solutions. The process can also be used to precipitate metals from molten slags.


Plaksin, I. N., and D. M. Iukhtanov. Gidrometallurgiia. Moscow, 1949.
Maslenitskii, I. N., and L. V. Chugaev. Metallurgiia blagorodnykh melallov. Moscow, 1972.
Naboichenko, S. S., and V. I. Smirnov. Gidrometallurgiia medi. Moscow, 1974.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


The setting of a cement.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
6A2), referring to early diagenetic origin of cementation, in some cases the dolomite-cemented rocks of the Vadja and Leivu Fms revealed a somewhat increased content of Mn in dolomite, indicating that in these levels cementation of siliciclastic layers presumably progressed during burial diagenesis under the impact of evolved pore waters.
"More and more our offering is global," said Slack, "and the integration of Merit and Cementation AG strengthens our capabilities as a as a true international operator below and above-ground.
at the time of cementation of the fixed partial denture), at 1 week, at 1 month and at 3 months post cementation.
During early diagenesis, micritization of allochems and compaction prevailed and then followed by cementation (i.e.
Furthermore, 'careful attention to occlusion' was chosen as better preventive measure by 83 (83.0%) respondents and 'time between preparation and cementation' was highlighted as important by 81 (81.0%) dentists, whereas 'choice of core material' was responded as important by 62 (62.0%) dentists.
The development of new glass-ceramic materials and our improving knowledge of how adhesive cementation can synergistically reinforce such restorations have enabled more conservative tooth preparations to be considered.
Lactobacillus is found to contribute to 1% of the total microbial flora and Neisseria to be a commensal in the oral cavity (13,14)- In earlier studies, Klebsella and E.coli were described as transient commensal of the oral cavity (15,16)- In the present study a statistical significant difference were observed for streptococcus, lactobacillus, klebsiella and spirochete before and after denture fpd cementation. The rise in streptococcus after fpd cementation proved that it is found in close association with the tooth structure as discussed above.
Five hundred and fifty-two patients with histologically benign GCTs of the bone around the knee were treated at these five institutions from 2001 to 2014, of which 136 patients who accepted curettage following by cementation or bone grafting were retrospectively reviewed.
The PS300million business deal was for property firm Cementation International - for which Sir Mark worked as a consultant - to build a university in Oman.
The files are called the "Cementation contract: Mark Thatcher and the Omanis."