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1 the combining of two or more actions at law.
2 the combination of a number of Acts of Parliament into one codifying statute.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

CONSOLIDATION, civil law. The union of the usufruct with the estate out of which it issues, in the same person which happens when the usufructuary acquires the estate, or vice versa. In either case the usufruct is extinct. In the common law this is called a merger. Ley. El. Dr. Rom. 424. U. S. Dig. tit. Actions, V.
     2. Consolidation may take place in two ways: first, by the usufructuary surrendering his right to the proprietor, which in the common law is called a surrender; secondly, by the release of the. proprietor of his rights to the usufructuary, which in our law is called a release.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
The newly developed three-dimensional consolidation apparatus allows the vertical and horizontal movement of soil particles, and it also allows the vertical and the radial flow of water during the consolidation process under different consolidative vertical pressures and surcharge pressures.
We have described here a case of Stage IV UUT-UC with LN metastases successfully treated with multimodality therapies including (i) RNU with LND after neoadjuvant GC-chemotherapy, (ii) salvage GC- and GP-chemotherapy, (iii) consolidative radiotherapy, and (iv) salvage radiotherapy.
He was treated with eight cycles of chemotherapy consisting of CHOP/IT and consolidative radiotherapy to initial site of bulky disease followed by complete metabolic resolution of disease on end of treatment PET scan.
A CT scan showed marked right pleural effusion and mediastinal lymphadenopathy in addition to a consolidative mass of the upper lobe with bronchovascular bundle and septal thickening, suggesting lung parenchymal involvement and the lymphangitic spread of the tumor (Figure 1(a)).
Consolidative radiation postintensive doxorubicin chemotherapy has been reported from a single institution to give excellent responses in Stages I and II PBL with OS responses at 42 months in 7 patients, 2 of whom were HIV+ [17].
The corresponding imaging findings of DAD include diffuse ground glass opacities and septal thickening with associated areas of consolidative opacities (Figures 1,2).
As reported, combination chemotherapy with ifosfamide, cisplatin or carboplatin, and etoposide (ICE) has the capacity to mobilize and collect a sufficient number of APBSC with limited nonhematological toxicity, which may complicate consolidative HDCT.
Imaging revealed a large thick walled cavity having air filled level in the right middle and lower lobe along with consolidative changes in adjacent lung parenchyma.
The patient was treated with chemotherapy lasting over a 1-year period with an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Protocol and by consolidative radiation therapy to the right acetabulum and pubis.
(2010), "Organizational stages and cultural phases: a critical review and a consolidative model of corporate social responsibility development", International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.