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Special prosecutor files a motion against Harabin.

The controversial judge (ex-minister and former head of Supreme Court, Judicial Council) Scarontefan Harabin faces a disciplinary proceeding due to his anti-Semitic statements and comments on well-known conspirator and his investigation.Special Prosecutor Duscaronan Kovaacute#269ik has asked the Judges' Council of the Supreme Court to consider a disciplinary proceeding against judge Scarontefan Harabin (former justice minister and Supreme Court, Judicial Council chair).

The motion is to be discussed on September 11, Supreme Court spokesperson Alexandra Va#382anovaacute said, as quoted by the Sme daily.The reasons for this steps are, according to Kovaacute#269ik, Harabin's statements in the conspiracy broadcaster Slobodnyacute Vysiela#269 about the scandal surrounding conspirator Tibor Rostas and the search police made at his home by the end of February.

This police operation was related to the criminal prosecution for the news story "The Wedge of Jews between Slavs" that included anti-Jewish quotations of several historical personages, Sme wrote on August 21. class="article-published 21. Aug 2018 at 14:05 |Compiled by Spectator staff

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Publication:Slovak Spectator (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Date:Aug 21, 2018
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